
Is the 2nd C section easier?

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Hi there,

I had a C section 2 and a half ago. Is the 2nd C section easier. My recovery from the first was good. My scar is barely visible and I was walking a few miles per day after a few weeks. Please let me in on your experiences if you have had more than one C section.





  1. I have had three myself and really didn't find any of them to be too bad.  The first and second were emergency but the third they told me I didn't get a choice.  My best advice is get out of bed ASAP.  When I had my first I had a 60+ year old nurse who told me that if I didn't get up my recovery would be horrible.  I came home in 3 days with my first two and was up and walking within 5 hours with all three.  With my third I listened to my very wise L&D nurses and stayed the full 5 days since I was going home to a 16 month old and a 6 year old.

    When I had my second I saw more than a few women that had Csections the same day as me that weren't even out of bed by the time I was leaving the hospital.  My nurses were all amazed but I just told them what the first nurse with my oldest told me and eveyone said "but no one ever listens".  I did and I really think it made a difference.

    Good Luck

  2. I had my second C section 3 months ago. The delivery was much easier as it was scheduled vs an emergency c section the first time. I used very little pain medication and was able to walk around. The nurses seemed amazed because I didn't act as if I'd had a section. I just knew what I had to do to avoid set back and be able to go home.

    My recovery this time was a little harder, it took about 2 weeks for me to feel back to normal vs 1 week with the first. My scar has healed nicely, one doc seemed surprised. As far as exercise, I waited until after my six week check up before I started jogging.  

  3. My first C-section was an emergency, so during the procedure itself I was knocked out.  The recovery after that one was hard.  My 2nd C-section was planned, so I was a bit scared about that part of it (being awake and all), but the recovery seemed MUCH easier.  I knew what kind of pain to expect, and that walking around ASAP really did help.  My 3rd C-section was even better.  I think once the muscles and nerves are cut, it doesn't hurt as much for them to heal after the first section.  Good luck!

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