
Is the 'Join AOL and get a free Laptop or PS3' a scam or do you actually get it?

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I'v been seeing this on the Carphone Warehouse website and on TV and at my local Carphone Warehouse store, is this a scam or has anyone actually recieved their free laptop/ps3?

If you did recieve it, how long did delivery take?




  1. Most of these places are fake. For a list of verified real ones, I'd found

    Apparently, the owner is keeping track of which ones are legit. When I say LEGIT, I mean the ones that he has managed to acquire gifts from. He also list which ones those are. I suggest you look at that site if your serious about these types of programs.

  2. I am typing this from a free aol laptop, it took approx 3 weeks for delivery, also my daughter has one that took about the same time for delivery.


  3. yeah listen to the person before don't sign up for aol there c**p but we can help each other to get a free system though i made this new site and i hope it kicks off check it out

  4. I've been with AOL for years and since the carphone took it over the service which they are supposed to be providing has gone down the PAN!

    I cannot connect to anything, and it's been like this for months! They claim the problem is at 'my end', and they refuse to admit their incompetence. A lot of other AOL UK users are experiencing problems. The trouble is, when a company takes over another company they do not give a toss about existing customers and they only want to rake in the cash...therefore by promoting their crappy service by offering free laptops which no doubtedly aren't very good, and to be honest, they can stick their ISP service cos i've had enough and am about to switch!

    SO, in answer to your question: YES you may well recieve a free laptop/ps3

    BUT will the internet work? NO.

    Sorry just my two pennies worth :)

  5. i don't know about that web sit but my friend got one from this one

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