
Is the 40gb Playstation 3 enough?

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I'm wanting a PS3 bad... lol

So I'm reading the differences between the 40 and 80 and I don't mind not being able to play PS2 games if it means saving money on the cheaper system, the 40gb.

Should I really go all out and get the 80? I mean, I'm never going to have 50 games to save. I can always buy a larger hard drive. And why would I need 4 usb ports... what are they used for anyway? If I ever decide to go online with a 40gb, will 2 ports be enough? I'm just a casual gamer who rarely even plays 2 player.

Thank you for any advice.




  1. Based on what you said 40gb Ps3 would be good for you ;-)

    Since you are not playing your ps2 games then you don't need to have a backwards compatible ps3.

    No, don't get the 80gb backwards compatible Ps3 because you will not need it because 40gb is enough to save games. And yes, you can upgrade your harddrive up to 500gb ( maybe more ) without voiding warranty.

    And yes, you wouldn't need 2 USB ports because you will just need the USB port to charge the controllers. And you won't need the USB ports just to go online lol. However you could buy a USB hub for under $5.

    SONY had announce a new Ps3 which is the 80gb core pack. It's basically a 40gb model but with 80gb harddrive. The 80gb core pack is coming out in September for you guys in America. It will be the same price as the current 40gb model which is $399.00.


    If one day you get your Ps3 and go online with it, you will need to sign up in the Playstation Network, it's like an online community. Add me on it ( On your friends list ). My Playstation Network ( PSN ): micro_soft


    I own a 40gb Ps3 so I know what I am talking about ;-)

  2. It really depends on what you'll be using it for.

    If you're going to play a lot of games, storing movies on it, and downloading a lot of content from the PSN store, I think you'll be fine as long as you uninstall games after beating them, deleting demos you don't play, and just doing stuff like that.

    Now, you can go out and buy a 40gb if you can find it considering Sony has discontinued the current 40gb model. What's left on the store shelves is all they're making.

    Don't fret however. Sony's releasing a new 80gb model which has the same features as the current 40gb model, but twice the memory. It's good if you want to wait a little bit, but it might be unecessary.

    If you buy the 40gb model, and decide you want more memory, you can always upgrade the hard drive in an easy fashion.

    Personally, I'm getting the 40gb if I can find it, but plan on upgrading the hard drive in a few months.

    You would need 4 USB ports if you have four controllers, but you can charge them using anything that has USB ports (i.e. computers). You might want them for Rock Band, or the next Guitar Hero, but I think that Rock Band has a USB hub with it (a usb hub is an item that has USB ports built into it while only taking up one). You can use one USB port for a headset if you plan to play online, but 4 is really unecessary.

    You don't have to worry about the USB ports because all of the controllers are wireless. USB ports are used for the cable that charges the remotes, which stated earlier, could be put in any computer with USB ports.

    Happy hunting, and I hope you enjoy your PS3.

  3. Yeah, thats a lot.

  4. Actually, the 40 GB is being discontinued, didn't you know? But you can still find remaining supplies at stores.

    The 80 GB was already discontinued some time ago

    BUT, they're releasing a "new" 80 GB model, it's gonna be the 40 GB feature-wise, but with a bigger hard drive.

    The USB ports are used for multiple things; the most important is recharging your controller; you plug in your controller using a USB cable to recharge it. Also, you can insert flash drives into it to put your game data on it and lots of other stuff

    The USB ports aren't used for going online, you can go wireless since the PS3 comes with Wi-Fi ( all models) or use a wired connection ( there's an ethernet port on the back of it).

    I suggest you wait for the new 80 GB Core to come out this Fall

    And just FYI, most PS3 games take 3-5 GB to install onto the Hard Drive, and it takes up 3-5 more GB if you have 2 files of the same game ( so if you have 2 files of one game, you need 6-10 GB of space)

    And just remember, the controllers are wireless, the USB ports are just for recharging them. To connect the controller to the system, hold down the PS button on the controller ( the 4 indicator lights should flash) and it should stay at indicator 1 ( controller port 1 basically)

    Oh, and remember one IMPORTANT thing: the 40 GB and the "new" 80 GB that's coming out DO NOT have b/c with PS2 games, I'm assuming you know this, but this is just in case you didn't

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