
Is the 9/11 truth movement responsible for the crash of the US dollar?

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Is the 9/11 truth movement responsible for the crash of the US dollar?




  1. Because obviously those most involved with the economy couldn't possibly be responsible for their own problems...

  2. There is no relationship there.  The "truth movement" as you called it is not responsible for anything except the spread of absurd theories and lies.

    The fall in the US dollar is mostly attributable to the lowering of the prime interest rate.

  3. No, just responsible for spreading paranoia and fear of the Government with their lunacy.

  4. No, Mr. Bush and Congress have done that all on their own.

  5. No the Bush administration and the Federal Reserve somehow think that a falling dollar is good for the economy, especially in the short term, helping Bush get reelected in 2004.  9/11 was a convenient excuse to lower interest absurdly, creating the present inflation and housing bubble.

    The 9/11 truth movement is responsible for standing up for what the evidence really indicates.

  6. No.

    The question is a great one.

    It shows the average intellect of the average 9/11 denier.  That applies regardless of whether you are one such denier or whether you are being sarcastic today. If sarcastic, thanks for the laugh!

    Ask some more!

  7. is that what the media is trying to pin them with now? getting a little desperate are they. how and why? those people are just hurt and looking for answers, since when did it become lunacy to ask questions?  do you think that the hundreds of 911 engineers and architects were lying about the facts? why? no one has anything to gain from this, there is no motivation here but to find out what happened. and what about the first responders who died five years later when they said on record that the air was clean to breathe when it clearly wasn't, are they and their families crazy too? if they lied about that, what makes you think they are going to care about what happens to our dollar and the poverty we will all be living in?

    all prejudices aside, you have to at least put yourself in the shoes of someone taking ten pills a day because your lungs are giving out from breathing asbestos and the betrayal they feel wouldn't you want to know what else is going on?

    so no, heck no, if anything it's all of our faults for not seeing this sooner

  8. No.

    Our own greed and the need for a quick buck is the reason for the fall of the dollar.  We, as a culture, need the quick return rather than invest into our infrastructure we take the profit.

    So now we don't have he best steel mills, we don't have any new oil refineries, we don't drill our own oil, we export jobs because we don't reinvest in our factories.  So our economy works only on revolving services.  

    Look at your computer, most likely made in Japan or China.  Look at your cell phone, it was not made in the USA either.  I often wonder what the Chinese people must think of us and all the junk we buy.

    The dollar will continue to fall as as long as all we worry about is the quick profit.  And our system is set up for taking the profit out of every company.  CEOs are rewarded for the profits associated with each share of stock and reinvesting in the infrastructure does not show up in the profit per share.

    The current real estate mess is a result of greed in the short term and people looking for the quick buck rather than ensuring that the investment is sound and wise.


  9. I fail to see the connection between the two.  The 9/11 truth movement simply wants to do what our government and particularly the Bush Administration refused to do, ASK QUESTIONS!!  This was the most horrific event in my lifetime and arguably U.S. history yet the Bush people refused to cooperate willingly with the 9/11 commission.  If that single action doesn't lead you to ask questions you are either ignorant or indifferent.  The crash of the U.S. dollar is either another example of our Administration's incompetence or it was calculated, as were the 9/11 attacks.  ASK QUESTIONS!  Check out, see if you don'thave questions afterward.

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