
Is the AK47 horribly inaccurate?

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even on SINGLE FIRE?? ppl saying that AK47 doesnt shoot straight, that the bullets go everywhere even on the semi-automatic only versions.

so the AK47 is only ideal for close range encounters, but medium range it will not hit the target?




  1. It's not a target rifle, but unless there's something

    wrong with the individual rifle, (or the individual holding the rifle),

    it should shoot about 3 MOA or better.

  2. I wouldn't say horribly anymore than I would say it was accurate

  3. Consider the cartridge first..... The 7.62X39MM is fairly accurate to 200 yards.

    That is if it is in a bolt action rifle like a CZ 527 Carbine....

         In an AK it is decently accurate to 100 yards and thats about it in my opinion. I can hit a 12 inch metal plate all day with an AK to 100 yards and thats about it.... Beyond that its sort of useless.... The sights arent that accurate....

  4. The first shot is dead center of whatever you are shooting.  After that it is much less accurate as one might expect.

  5. no

    it is so freaking accurate

  6. The AK-47 is not horribly inaccurate.  It is as accurate as a military rifle needs to be.  Short and medium range, no problem.  Further?  No problem provided that the shooter does his part.  Consider the following:  1963, Dallas, Texas.  Another military rifle not known to be particularly accurate, purchased by mail-order for less than $20. US dollars becomes the infamous Kennedy Rifle allegedly used to gun down JFK.  The 6.5 Italian Carcano was not known to be particularly accurate.  Its one virtue was that it was then recognized as the fastest military bolt-action rifle in the world.  The scope affixed to it was nothing special, either.  It was a simple straight 4-power Weaver hunting scope.  The scope had to be mounted at an angle so that the bolt wouldn't hit the windage adjustment k**b on the scope.  So there you have it.


  7. Any gun shoots better than the shooter can.

    The 7.62x39mm round itself is not "inaccurate".

    Besides, the AK platform was NOT designed for accuracy, but more towards extreme reliability.

  8. It depends. Is it Chinese, Romanian, Russian, Yugoslavian? The Chinese are the most inaccurate as they are normally stamped from inconsistent metal. This also leads to an increased failure rate. A hand fitted Russian AK while no sniper rifle can be accurate enough to hit a man sized target at 500 yards. By hand fitting for the tightest tolerances you take alot of the wobble and inconsistencies of a normal AK. The SVD Dragunov which fires the 7.62x54r (same round as Mosin-Nagant) is a fine urban environment sniper platform.

    The AK was never designed to be as accurate as an M1 Garand. It was designed as medium range battle rifle for an environment like the Battle of Stalingrad, where Mr. Kalashnikov came up with the idea.

  9. the ak can be accurate even on full auto the shooter just has to get used to the recoil and shear addrenalin it takes to shoot an AK on Fully Automatic

    on Semi-auto it is not terrible inaccurate but like most assault rifles (m16a2 m4 carbine and m1 garand) are meant for close quarters but one thing people uverlook is that the Ak has a shorter barrel than even a M16 and M4 Rifles making it better for close quarters combat (CQC)

    It can be accuarate on Semi Auto but the Ammo like i said about the gun is shorter and wider than a m16 round meant for (CQC) to medium-short distances

    They are acually quiet accuarate at medium ranges for what the round was designed

    Overral the Round makes it for close-medium ranges meaning not so accuarate at far distances

    (so blame the round if u want)

  10. It depends on:

    1. The shooter

    2. The condition of the rifle

    3. The nation of origin

    4. Rate of fire

    5. Range

    In general, the AK 47 is much less accurate. On fully automatic fire, it is VERY inaccurate. On semi-automatic, shots can be fired with a fair amount of accuracy.

    The AK 47 wasn't designed for accuracy, it was designed to be reliable. That reflects in its performance.

    But the biggest factor in accuracy is the shooter.

    I AM ME: The M1 Garand is a battle rifle. It is not an assault rifle. It fires a rifle round semi-automatic accurately over long ranges. Also, the M4 carbine is shorter. Here's the break down on length: AK 47 is 34.3 inches long, 16.3 inch barrel. The M4 Carbine is 33 inches long (with stock fully extended) and a 14.5 inch barrel.

  11. I can consistently get 8 inch groups off hand (not braced on a bench or laying flat) at 50 yards with my Norinco (chinese AK)

    That's not horribly innaccurate but it's no where near as accurate as my AR 15.

  12. no it is not inaccurate it is actually quite the does however have quite a bit of recoil.

  13. No..

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