
Is the American Government planning to make natural seeds illegal?

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I just listened to a radio show, which discussed how the Eastern Indian Government is banding the use of all natural seeds and forcing farmers to grow strictly GMO seeds. Reports have stated that many farmers have commited suicide and there is a large revolt brewing. If farmers do start to grow GMO seeds, all money which the farmer pays for the seeds will feul large Bilderberg Group(G8) based industries. The monster which eliminate most small local farmers in America.

...over the last few years I couldn't help but knowtice that many local farmers in my area, here in America are being pushed out of business, even if they grew GMO and natural.

Will the Indian Government pave a new fashion for the rest of industrial advanced countries, like America, to make natural seeds Illegal for farmers that still exist? Does this mean all old strong breeds of animals and plants will become totally extinct?

What is everyone's thoughts about this?





  2. no the USDA is not phasing out  non GMO seeds fpr GMO. Nor is this happening in India. This is because there are only 7 major crops that have been GM'ed and we humans eat a lot more than papaya, corn, soya, cotton, canola, sugar beets, etc..

    Most humans eat a much much wider diet globally, though too many Americans are eating a corn/soy slurry processed to look ans taste like real food.

    GMO are bad business. they have potential but so far have been developed for marketing herbicide and industrial use (Pharm crops that express chemicals for drugs and other uses but are not edible). they have never been tested in a proper controlled way on humans (Or any animals for more than a couple of months and all those tests were done by the industry so likely very biased) so we have no way of knowing what kind of damage they are doing to us. Lastly GMO crops have never out produced natural crops.

    So don't worry about natural seeds being made illegal. if they are there will be millions of us seed savers around the globe quietly breaking the law and producing and saving natural seeds (heirlooms, even-despite the assertion of one person here heirloom seeds are alive and well and are nowhere near extinction. nor are the hybrids seeds as GMO genetics depend on hybrids and heirloom seeds. It is what they do gene splicing into.)

  3. Legislation protecting intellectual property rights of  genetic engineering firms, rather than direct legislation to ban saving of  original stocks of seed will be what is of concern.

    If a genetically modified variant is able to cross pollinate with another variety, such that the cross produced seed carries the gene patented, laws have to make it clear that such cross pollination does not constitute a patent infringement. If laws are interpreted in a way that would allow this to qualify as patent infringement, that would effectively prohibit saving seed of any original crop susceptible to cross pollination.

    A genetically engineered quality that foists itself on unwilling growers, then, has to be regarded at best as a free gift, and at worst as a cause of damage. It would be a damage if presence of the gene prevented the crop from being sold in an intended market, or if provable harm resulted.

    If  a GM crop cross pollinates, but then the seeds refuse to grow, this too might be a cause for damage claims. But even some non-GM varieties  of plants do this, so we may not have a case here.

    Growers of non-GM crops for seed will expect to have GM seed suppliers suing them for breach of  patent if they grow from seed that is entirely the GM variety, not a cross. This is legitimate if the amount of GM present is significant, it indicates an intent to grow them.  Now, if cross breeding can be shown to occur,  a subsequent generation may have progressively higher percentages of  plants that will be entirely GM. Defence here would depend on establishing the claim that the resulting GM contamination had resulted from that cross pollination.

  4. Hybrids did not make "heritage" plants illegal.  I expect GMO's will not either.

    There is also the possibility that GMOs *might* be related to the honeybee die-off.

  5. I sincerely dont know

  6. I think you need to do less listening and more thinking. It is the market place that in the long run will determine whether GMO seeds will replace current standard seeds. The current seeds by the way replace the seeds from previous generations because they gave bigger crops that were easier to pick, ripened at same time for farmers' convenience, and withstood a rough trip to the markets. (Notice that good taste is not on that list).

    GMO seeds will prevail because they make farming more productive and market forces will force out non-GMO just as they forced out heirloom vegetables.

    No laws making anything illegal will be needed - profit motive will do it all.

  7. You may have received some of your information out of context and so mis-heard a great deal of the rest. Some GMO's are being fielded and I am sure that the control initially would include keeping these strains contained by not allowing them to escape by limits in surrounding areas to growing specific crops that could cross breed at distance (modified corn would possibly require that no one locally grow un-modified corn to keep control). The whole GMO program is causing a huge amount of anger and frustration in some areas and I can imagine stories of some unstable few being manipulated for the cause be it pro or con. From the little I have heard I guess I have some reservations about the need for GMO's and the reasoning behind their creation. It seems like a whole lot of manipulation is going on that will lead us down the road to chemical dependence in agriculture with big business reaping benefits while the land and the people suffer. I have very little faith in big business and they seem to have led us astray time and again, remorselessly. Our food and our farming processes rely on the natural unadulterated seed, without which our whole farm structure and our populations would perish in a very, very short time. A huge amount of work is being done to catalog all our food varieties to safeguard the genetic properties in the event of problems in our food chain and also to keep available the basic foods that we as a species rely upon for our very lives. If anything, the demand for unadulterated seed is greater today than ever before and rising by leaps and bounds annually. Old and forgotten varieties are being re-introduced and the breeding of new variations is big business. In that business I put my faith (but remain ever vigilant).

  8. There has been a war on seeds for almost a century now

    local varieties have been systematically destroyed by the thousands to be replaced by the few that are produced by seed companies ,

    The offspring of these tend to be infertile ,and so forcing the farmers to keep re-buying seeds and so become dependent on the large Seed companies ,guaranteeing their profits.

    These genetic breeds are also much more open to disease and pests

    which also drives the farmer into the clutches of the chemical companies to ensure chemical sales


    These are also much more disease resistant ,(but maybe not have as nice looking a produce)


    so as not to pollute the airs, soil ,waters and people


    to end up with balanced systems with out excesses of insect species


    to gain independence

  9. I'm a small farmer.  I recieve a number of farming related jounals every month.

    I read about this subject just last month.  No, thus far, the companies  have not made it illegal to grow and save natural seeds.

    What they ARE doing is getting laws passed state by state to make it illegal to BAN the growing of GMO seeds.  By getting these laws in place it gives the mega seed companies, like Monsanto the right to sue organic seed producers who's crop might become pollinated by their trademark protected seeds.  The organic farmer would not have the right to save, or sell any of their organic seeds which were fertilized by the wind, bees, or birds with any of the trademark genes from those seed companies.

    So in a very round about way, they are making the natural seeds illegal.  They are just going about it in extremely backdoor, and underhanded ways.  

    These seed comanies are not stupid.  They realize perfectly well that a direct frontal assault to make natural seeds illegal would not work here in the U.S. A.  So instead they are resorting to extremly underhanded dealings.  Thus far there are 15 sell out states in the U.S.A.  Just another 40 to go and their control will be complete.  I happen to live in one of the sell out states....Idaho.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

    P.S. If you are interested in the article, it's in Countryside & Small Stock Journal, March/April 2008 edition, on page 8.

    The sell out states thus far are Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, and West Virginia.

  10. Stony, I don't know if this is a serious question or not, but no nation's government is even thinking about making natural seeds illegal, definitely not the US. I  know very little about the government in India but I can't think that the information you got about baning natural seeds has any factual basis. There in no advantage to eliminating natural varieties that makes any sense. So if this is something that is really worrying you, forget about it. It is not going to happen.

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