
Is the American constitution degraded to a crust of cheese ?

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Maybe because the rats have knibbled it away by means of the "patriot"- act and other 1933-style legislation ? I think so , nowadays,one needs to be on guard ,on telefone,e-mail what you say and write,watch the documentary "LIBERTY BOUND" and see for yourselves;anyway , whom of those Americans having lived/spent time in Europe can not admit that the general atmosphere is so much more open , free , more cool , less hyped and stressed than the always excisting cut-throat winner/looser society in the "good old" U.S.ofA.




  1. Are you kidding me? ae we talking about the same constitution that was written by slave owners and bigots? Why does everyone leave that part out of the whole constitution discussion? the whole liberty bell, our founding fathers, bla bla bla. This was home to black people stole from their home's. Black people were raped literally and metaphorically, then denied right to inheritance from our slave father's. given no right to vote, but we died in the wars, and even built the capitol for which America salutes. and you wonder how we cannot be proud of this land. i say pay reparations, and give the indians a fair deal, and elect Obama, then we can start talking about the blood-written constitution.

  2. hey leave my cheese the heck outta this.  i happen to love cheese.  even the kind that smells like unwashed french feet (sorry guys).  what i don't like is the odor coming out of DC these days.  it smells peculiarly like fascism.  and i do not like that.  the constitution has been trampled, torn asunder.

  3. Yes!

  4. No.  Spare us the fear mongering.

  5. Where have you been? Did you just figure this out or has the kettle been boilin for awhile.

  6. did and the Republicans ate that too

  7. It looks like it was cremated.

  8. We threw it out the window in 1861 when secession was stopped by force.

    vkint328: Chill out. The only ones who kidnapped blacks and sold them into slavery were their fellow countrymen. Every black slave who was shipped across was there because of another black. If you have that bad a problem then go move to Liberia. Its not our job to accommodate you.

  9. You are free to move anytime.  

    Once there - enjoy the high taxes, crime, and possibly limited personal freedoms.

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