
Is the American media evolving into those that represent Communist regimes?

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I watched the DNC last week on CNN and last night I watched the RNC. There is clearly an agenda of news agencies these days. Last night, after each speech, they quickly turned to a Democratic strategist. They did not do this for the DNC (turn immediately to a rep strategist). They thought each speech was unbelievable at the DNC. I thought that Fred Thompson's speech was the greatest from both sides so far, and they immediately tried to discredit it. Do they really think that Americans do not see their biased nature of reporting? And more than that, do they not have the common sense to see that this is bordering Communist ideals?




  1. This is the most biased one-sided media ever. People aren't thinking for themselves but they're letting the media dictate their beliefs. The media is in favor of one candidate this year and we all know who that is. They will demonize all of his opponent's for the most asinine reasons. Yes, I'm talking about Obama.

  2. The media really is in the tank for the Democrats, at first

    I thought they wanted Obama to be nominated because he is

    easier to defeat, and the media is indeed big business,

    But it appears not to be so, Yet there is a buyer for the NY Times,

    who will pay for it, the Dems who own it, will bark when the price is


  3. I watched the same thing last week.   I was wondering why they had Republicans, like Karl Rove to rip the Dems after their speeches.  I never heard a positive comment after any of the speeches last week.  The first three days of the convention they didn't say anything good. The only good thing they had to say was they liked Hillary's speech.  

    CSPAN runs it without commentary.

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