
Is the American media sorting medals by total (instead of gold) so as to make the US appear as first?

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Is the American media sorting medals by total (instead of gold) so as to make the US appear as first?




  1. I'm pretty sure that is how they have always done the count in the US.  

  2. It been done like that my whole life, so I do not think it odd

    Forget the US and China

    Who has more medals

    Hungary, no golds, 4 silvers and 1 bronze


    Panama with one gold medall

    I would say Hungary has more Olympic medals

    You will say Hungary has none and Panama has more

    I think I am right

  3. DUHHH

  4. I love these threads. All these replies from the Americans that prove they cant even remember the last Olympics yet speak like they KNOW how the table is normally sorted.


    Stop making idiots of yourselves by denying something we can use the internet to prove otherwise. You can look it up as easy as the gymnasts ages. If you keep saying it was always done that way, then you are either stupid, or an out and out liar! Those of us over the age of 20 know how its been done for years.

  5. Thats always how its been reported.   The advantage to this is not that a country "won Gold", but that they dominated the field in a particular area, such as aquatics.   example: USA may have only won X gold medals in swimming and diving, but they won 6X medals altogether, showing that they easily surpassed other competing countries.

  6. Well this may be a long shot, but I'm going to have to say YES.

  7. even if they the start of this day there was only a little difference between China's total medals and the US.

    I think they'll end up losing the total count too.

  8. No, as I can remember, it has always been the same way, same in 2000 and 2004.

    However, US was No 1 in both gold count and metal count then. China was ranked #3 or #4 in 2004 in their ranking, not #2, that's how I know they always used metal count.

  9. It's always been done like that.

    China seems a little fishy in this Olympics anyways. I just don't like them.

    The games favor those with the most economic power. It's all c**k and bull. I would hardly say it's fair.

  10. Well China is leading in gold thats surprising. Never seen this happened before.

  11. Pretty much!

  12. I've seen plenty of American media outlets that have China ahead based on their gold medal count (ESPN, CBS Sportsline). So I don't think it's a nationalistic issue. I'm definitely pulling for a USA but China certainly deserves the lead based on their domination of the gold count. However if the U.S. can cut into the gold lead and they expand their overall medal count lead, then they should definitely go ahead.

    It's all subjective really.

  13. First OFF other countries didn't start counting by gold medals UNTIL the Beijing Olympics.

    We(US) have been going by the overall medal count since day 1

  14. I believe so. The rest of the world does it based on the number of gold.  

  15. Wow, you people are obsessed with Americans aren't you?  How about if you worry about the way that your country, whatever country that may be, counts their medals and realize that if the American government stole toddlers from their parents and forced them into training from the age of 3, the Americans probably would have all the gold medals.

  16. This is always how it has been,get over it.


    And just wondering,why in the world do you care about what us Americans do?

    Are you obsesse with us or something?why dont you go worry about your own country. You dont have to live here,so therfore you dont need to worry about what we do...

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