
Is the Americas trying to form a North American Union?

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I believe that they are trying to form a North American Union. But I have also read on the internet on sites like wikipedia that it is not true and they are not trying to form this union. They called a conspiracy theory. What kind of effect do you think this will have on United States if they form this union? Do you think that the United States will lose its sovereignty?




  1. No George Bush is trying to with no over site by congress.

  2. If "Jesus" is your Saviour, your "Sovereign," then what do you care?

    The U.S. officially lost its sovereignty in 1933:

  3. The politicians are the people are not . Como as sta .

  4. It certainly is a conspiracy theory.  Its similar to the idea that the UN secretly runs the world.  ha ha.

    There is no real move towards a union.  It is just a scare tactic.  

    Unless the union is militarily forced on the US, (which seems a bit unlikely), sovereignty is not lost be exercising it.

  5. SOME People Don't Understand the Difference Between Fair Trade, which everybody Is in Favor of and that of Free Trade that gives unfair advantages to trading partners and erodes our Sovereignty as a Nation!

  6. yes absolutly the governemnt has already designated highway arteries that connect with mexico and canada and have started building the trans-texas corridor.  Its not that hard to believe or a conspiracy theory the european union has already been formed.  the nau currency would be called the amero

  7. If and I'm saying IF, Bush decides to attack Iran and trigger an incredible conflict between numerous nations and the U.S. is targeted or attacked, he would declare "Marital Law" and suspend the Constitution.  REMEMBER.....this man has already proven his utter disregard and disdain for our Constitutional rights as well as International Laws.

    Is there a NAU in our future ?   Easy to enter into when the citizens can't object or resist. Control.

    Just a thought.

  8. I assume you mean with Canada and Mexico, and having a common currency.   Never happen.    No popular support.   Need free trade.  But that's all

  9. Would never happen unless Obama gets elected and he willingly gives away America, like he's planning on doing.

    America was founded on freedom, not joint-country rule.  It would be the biggest disaster in the world's history.

  10. No this is bs cooked up by some Canadian specifically the council of canadians org who do this anti fear mongering. they do little work but to  make money for themselves and often never back up thier bs with facts. I had never heard this until i moved to Canada.

  11. Only a fool will tell you this is not a very real possibility.  Type in 'Amero' into youtube and watch some of the videos.

    Why wouldn't it happen?  NAFTA was just phase 1.

    The American, European and Asian Unions need to be estatblished prior to the creation of the world union i.e the one world government.

  12. Yes.

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