
Is the Anthrax case (FBI offer of $2.5 million to solve Oct. 2001 mail attacks) over? Suicide scientist guilt?

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Will the whole botched investigation get "classified" and no one will be told publicly about the inside of Ft. Detrick lab and the weapons specialist who is going to bear the total blame? Should there be a "pay-out" of the money to the falsely persecuted civilian who was a former "person of interest"? What do you think?




  1. While I rarely subscribe to conspiricist theories, I may be able to be convinced on this one.

    Here's my take on the whole thing:

    At the time the anthrax incident occurred, the US was keen to promote the "War on Terror". One or more possibly well-meaning, but misguided, people with access to anthrax decided to help push the agenda and also demonstrate how easily terrorists could create a biological attack. Yeah, a couple of people might get sick or even die, but the point would be made.

    And so it was

    Whether the scientist actually did it or was a scapegoat, whether he committed suicide or it was staged will probably never be known. The "suicide" puts as neat of a closure on the whole deal as possible. The government can now close its investigation and wash its hands of the deal.

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