
Is the Apocalypse near?

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Is the Apocalypse near?




  1. Not if we work together and McCain is not elected...

    McCain graduating 5th from the bottom of his class (almost failing):

    McCain singing Bomb Iran:

    McCain is considered to be very volatile and erratic?

    Yeah, I am scared of McCain...

  2. Yes it happened yesterday .

  3. The Long Count Calendar of the Ancient Mayans ends on Dec 21 2012. There isn't much information regarding what the Mayans thought would occur in 2012, but the consensus of opinion is that there will be great change. To some people this means a positive, spiritual change. Other, like myself, consider that a catastrophic event may have been predicted. Read more about the Mayan Calendar.

    The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is a non-repeating, vigesimal (base-20) calendar used by several Mesoamerican cultures, most notably the Maya. For this reason, it is sometimes known as the Maya (or Mayan) Long Count calendar. Using a modified vigesimal tally, the Long Count calendar identifies a day by counting the number of days passed since August 11, 3114 BCE (Gregorian).[1] Because the Long Count calendar is non-repeating, it was widely used on monuments.

    So the calender will end 12/21/12 and the world will come to an end.

  4. we dont know

  5. there is no "apocalypse", but the death of all men IS near: in Africa there's a virus that spreads in the air and reduces your organs to pulp. It's name is ebola, and it can live over 35 Celsius, and with global warming we're all getting there... Look forward to some deaths, we're up s**t creek ^.-

  6. The world will end when the Islamofascists get hold of a nuclear weapon.

  7. yup 2012

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