
Is the Apollo 11 landing really a hoax?

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Is the Apollo 11 landing really a hoax?




  1. Oh, for christ's sake...

  2. check out this site by a professional scientists and debunker of astro myths and misconceptions

  3. Yes they did land on the moon, only people who

    - hate the government

    - know less science than a Highschool student

    - want to make money with their books and videos

    - simply are trolling

    claim otherwise.

    NASA has i.e.

    - eyewitnesses

    - a whole load of documentation (including the tracking data from foreign countries)

    - thousands of pictures

    - hours of film

    - the laser reflectors

    - >300kg of moonrocks

    - a congratulation from the russians

    Most of the landingdeniers counterclaims don't even need an expert to be shown wrong, they are just stupid. .

    i.e. Hoaxers claim that the flag was waving in some wind

    Now everyone who bothers to do some research (instead of relying on the fraudulent Snippets the Hoaxers show) will find out, that the flag was held up by a wire, and appeared only to be waving while (and shortly after) being handled by one of the astronauts.

    You also have to ask yourself if it is really believeable that NASA would miss a waving flag if they wanted to fake it?

    Now certain answerers may claim otherwise but if you read their stuff, and all the answers in the questions there they participated you will notice that all their "evidence" has been debunked numerous times.

    Do they acknowledge it? Are they even try to explain why the explantions given are incorrect? No, they just repeat the same bunch of lies over and over again. That should give you an idea about their  honesty...

  4. No   it's those stupid skeptics that always cause trouble.  we DID go to the Moon.

  5. it was real. i'm usually open minded about political issues, but on this one i am very close minded. there is an enormous amount of scientific evidence backing it up.

    with achievement always comes speculation. all the theories people have, or their so called "evidence" are very week, and the logic is extreamily flawed.

    hundreds of people were there, by the lanch site, when the rocket was thrusted up to space. they saw the astronautes get on. they saw them take off.

    and the russians were watching the footage that we were taking from the moon. if anyone was going to jump on the idea that the moon landing was fake, they would've been the first one. the russians were watching us like a hawk- the analyzed video, audio, and the radiosignal strength. they proved that the video signal was infact coming from the moon.

    people also say that if we landed on the moon, we should be able to see the flag. that idea is extreamily flawed. the most powerful telescope on earth only gets football field resolution. that basically means that every pixel... every little different colored block... is equivilent to the an area the size of a football field on the moon. if the flag was the size of a football field, we would still have a very hard time seeing it unless we deeply analyzed all the photos. and we all know that flag wasn't the size of a football field. they also talk about how the flag was waving. it wasn't really waving. the flag wasn't even standing up by itself. when nasa made the flag, they put a horizontal bar making the flag expand out. after all, a droppy flag wouldn't raise much moral back in america!




    the horizontal bar was placed in section a.

    there were also ripples created by the same process.

    other people say it wasn't true because we coudln't see stars in the sky. the moon's surface is highly reflective. the light, and the technology of the time, made it hard... if not impossible to see the stars. there is actually more light polution on the surface of the earth than in my neighborhood. and like i said, the cameras weren't exactly state of the art. not only did they have to capture the moon, but inturn it had to be transmitted 250,000 miles back to earth, and then be broadcasted to all the stations featuring it, and then again broadcasted to all the tv's watching that channel. and the tv's weren't that good either!

    so yes, the moon landing was real.

  6. No..... End. Of. *******. Story.

  7. If the Moon landings in 1969 and later had been faked thousands of scientists and radio experts around the world would have known straight away. Specially the Russians, but also Germans, French, Spanish, Australians, British, you name it.

    In addition the Russians and possibly several other countries were perfectly capable of tracking the spacecraft part of the way to the Moon by radar. If the Apollo spacecraft had merely orbited the Earth they could have been detected by radar or even the naked eye depending on the height of the orbit.

    Not everyone who worked on Apollo was a US citizen, I know one Australian who was in on it and there were many more. Most of the staff of the ground stations in Australia were Australians, there were also ground stations in Spain. These hundreds of people owe no allegiance to the USA and it is not humanly possible that they would have kept a fraud quiet for 39 years.

    Almost anyone who was good with tools and had a bit of money could build a suitable antenna and tune a suitable radio into the transmissions from the Moon. There is nothing secret about the construction of such antennas, I have a book on it right here.

    The reason for the lack of stars is obvious to anyone who knows more about photography than how to point a camera and press the shutter.  All cameras have some form of exposure control, usually a timer on the shutter or a diaphragm that limits the amount of light that enters the camera.  When a photo of something in the foreground is taken, the camera will collect a lot of light from it if it is sunlight.  This is particularly true of men in white spacesuits or bright features on the Moon.

    So the operator limits the exposure, or the camera does it automatically to prevent over exposure of the subject.  Stars are weak sources of light at the distance they are.   They do not send enough light into the camera to expose the film or activate the screen.  

    All that written, there are a few photos taken on the Moon where a few of the brighter stars can be seen.

    One of the people saying the Moon landings were faked was a TV cameraman.  He knows this and is lying about it.

    The flag was not waving, it wobbled as the mast was pushed into the ground.  It had a rod along the top to hold it out, just like flags displayed inside buildings.  That was explained in 1969.  Iit was made of stiff material and was unfolded, leaving crinkles in it.  The only time it moved after being put in place was when somebody bumped it or when it was struck by the blast from the Lunar Ascent Module as the astronauts left.

    The astronauts brought back hundreds of pounds of Moon rocks which were analysed by scientists all over the world. Not all of them were US citizens either. If those rocks had been faked those scientists would have seen it. In any case, the Russians also returned Moon rocks to Earth in three unmanned probes and published the analysis results. The American samples were consistent with the Russian ones.

    In addition, the ages that were determined for these rocks were (and still are) older than all rocks found on Earth except for meteorites.

    President Nixon. a Republican, began to cut NASA funding in 1968, the year before the first mission. The mission went ahead because the equipment had been built and the people had been employed and trained. The Apollo program was a Democrat project. Later the program came to an end because the US public lost interest, when that happened, funding dried up still further and NASA could not afford to send any more. No bucks, no Buck Rogers.

    This site is devoted to the mostly Australian men and women at the Honeysuckle Creek tracking station in Australia which received some of the Apollo transmissions. You can hear one man talking directly to the astronauts on the Moon.

    See also these YouTube clips

  8. No.

    That's just a rumor same as the Earth being flat.

  9. Wag the Dog.

  10. If so, you should tell the Russians and the Chinese.

  11. infact apollo 11 landin was bullshit but later visits were real

  12. Okay... Read this ... You'll come to know -;...

  13. No. Simply because there are also Apollo 7, Apollo 8, Apollo 9 and Apollo 10 before.  And Apollo 12, Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17 afterwards.

    The Russians also had the chance to discover the Apollo spacecraft first hand in the ASTP program. They would have noticed if this craft was not adequate for reaching the moon.

    Skylab was build on Apollo hardware and accidentally crashed close to Perth in Australia. Is it a hoax too?

    It makes no sense to say Apollo 11 did not happen.

    All people who tell you, it is a hoax, argue by ignorance - they deny the existence of evidence against their claims and usually base the claims either on in their eyes missing evidence (which, strange, but true, exists, if you ask for it) or fundamental misunderstandings of spaceflight technology.

  14. Can you name one hoax of that magnitude ever being carried out (or even attempted) in the recorded history of man?

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