
Is the Austin bazaar guitar company as good of quality of brands such as fender or gibson

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is it of the same level of quality as top brands? why or why not?




  1. No.  Austin Bazaar makes "beginner" instruments.  Without actually seeing one of the guitars, I would guess that the woods that are used are nowhere near the quality used by Gibson or Fender.  The same goes for the electronics and the hardware.  If you're just starting out, these guitars are fine.

  2. They are complete POS.  Did you seriously think that guitars that sell for $150 or less - many way under $100 - compete with real guitars, guitars that actually sell in music stores instead of over the internet?

    I have no problem with cheap guitars per se but you reach a point where a guitar is so bad that it holds you back.  Why? Because real guitars are built one at a time by professionals with quality wood and quality electronics and they are tested all along the way to ensure that they're perfect.  Cheap guitars use trash wood and junky electronics and are slapped together in a factory. They have bad action and worse intonation and never quite stay in tune.

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