
Is the Bible bad because it has so many contradictions, or because the churches interpret it so poorly?So many

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interpretations result in so many different churches, all insisting that their interpretation (usually by a man) is the right one. The contradictions by the men writing in the Bible is the first example of this reluctance to admit they don't understand.




  1. interesting point

    but i think it's wrong to look for perfection in the bible, written by 4 people the gospel has lot's of contradictions

    The bible itself is used by jew and christian....

    Religion isn't science

    Does science solve every question?

    A theory is only a theory when it can be disproved

    PS Do you think women would have agreed between them on the theological points of God? I don"t think so

  2. The bad in interpretation is human neediness. What is peace if a human does not feel certainty in it.

  3. Please list your"contradictions".

    People have told that lie for centuries, and have been proven wrong for just as long.

    There are no contradictions, there are only things you can't or refuse to understand.

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