
Is the Black Forest really black? Or is it just legend?

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Is the Black Forest really black? Or is it just legend?




  1. It's green and beautiful.

  2. The Black Forest is called black because of this special trees they have called "Tannenbaum". You might know this form the Christmas song. They are so dense that the light can not really get through and into it so the really dark green of the Tannebaum seems to be black.

    I was born and raised in the Black Forest and believe me that is the explanation.

  3. No, the Forest is green, but the Trees are standing often very close together, that 's makes it appearance very dark.

    The name itself was created in the Middle Age, Black Forest= Dark Forest.

  4. The Black Forest is a very beautiful place.  I drove there for the day to see the clocks.  There was a small town there that had a very large waterfall.  The waterfall was frozen because it was wintertime.  But to answer your question, it's just a region in Germany.  It is a forest region.  There are alot of pine trees.  This region also has some of the best skiing spots.

  5. "black" means "no light" (when you're in the dark forest)...

  6. legend.. been there

  7. The name Black Forest comes from the general dark color of the numerous coniferous trees that grow in this region. (Wiki)

  8. the black forest?as far as I know that's just an area in Germany. I have been there and the forest was just like everywhere else, not black

  9. Gets a bit dark in there sometimes...

  10. they get the name Black forest because when viewed from a distance they look a bit black because the trees there have a dark green clour leaves so they look a bit black so called black forests

  11. ... in the night ;-)

    A question back right here from Germany:

    Why do all americans only know "Black forest", "Oktoberfest" and "Sauerkraut" ? It´s a little bit annoying for us...

    (... or are all americans cowboys, live in trailers and have plastic surgery ?)

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