
Is the Boeing-737 a unsafe plane compared to most?

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Is the Boeing-737 a unsafe plane compared to most?




  1. It is one of the safest out there. The 737 is one of the most produced airliners in the world. An aircraft can be unsafe for several reasons: Maintenance errors, pilot error, mechanical flaws, design flaws, weather, etc. The 737 nearly eliminates the design flaws catagory

  2. The Boeing 737 is arguably one of the safest planes around.  It has been flying for a very long time with very few accidents, and has proven to be reliable.

  3. The Boeing 737 series is one of the safest planes around.

    Just looking at accident reports however, you'll see that there's more 737 related accidents than any other aircraft. This is because there more than 9000 737s of various versions flying today. So naturally, it seems as if the 737 is unsafe. If you look at it proportionally and compare its accident rate proportionally to the accident rate of other aircraft, you'll see that the 737 has been in less accidents then a vast majority of aircraft.

    There has not been a single accident resulting in serious loss of life involving the next generation of 737s A.K.A. : 737-600,-700, -800, -900.

    The 737 is a proven concept. Everything about it has been discovered. Add to it all the new avionics, engines and construction material, and you've got one of the best, safest and useful airplanes around. It has a long history behind it, and through time, the problems have been rectified, and only what is good remains.

    Older 737s had only one very severe problem and that is that the rudder servo can jam in cold temperatures. That has been fixed long ago. All new Boeing aircraft will not be susceptible to this problem because the entire design was changed after the NTSB investigation.

    One reproach perhaps to the 737-400 and newer versions is that the engines are very close to the ground, meaning the aircraft's engines are more susceptible to FOD. (foreign object damage) It isn't a dangerous flaw, since you can't crash into anything when your engines go out and you're still on the ground.

    Other than that, its a safe, versatile, economical and nice looking aircraft. From the outside, it looks strong and sturdy thanks to its wing-length which is around the same length as its fuselage. Inside, it's cozy and welcoming. (On newer 737s anyways)

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