
Is the Book Twilight any good?

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Everyone says its a great book and I'm thinking about buying it.




  1. I loved it. I think girls like it more than guys but guys like it too. Its a romantic novel. if you like a simple romance then yes its for you.

  2. i love the entire series. i think it's great - it's not great american literature, but it's entertaining, and it gets you thinking at some points - about love, preconceived notions, eventually marriage and choosing between two things.

    its a great read. go for it.  

  3. its good if u like romance books..... and its not real to tell u....

  4. i love it but those twilighters are overeacting and annoying

    so don't listen to them


  5. it is totally worth getting :)

    My friend made me read it this year and I am totally in love with the story.  It sounds a little cheesy first hearing about it (vampire love story?) but honestly it is really good and definately worth checking out!

  6. It is alright. I mean, when I first read it I couldn't put it down but it isn't a really, really good book. It's just kind of a thrilling romance and the vampire, Edward is so mysterious and attractive it is fun to read about him!  

  7. great. ITS AMAZING! by the amount of publicity it's getting you KNow it's gotta be good!!!


  8. I liked it. But we can't tell you that you'll like/love it. What you need to do is go to your local book store, library, or some place like Wal-Mart and read the back of the book, or/and read the first few pages, and see if it interests you. If it does try it out, if you don't then don't read it. It's as simple as that.

    Hope I helped ^__^

  9. I like it, but it's overrated.

  10. look u shouldn't be thinking anything! it is a great book and i think u will enjoy it  

  11. It depends what ur into... it's mainly romance so if ur into that kind of stuff you'll probably love it. it's barely got any action, but there's a little at the end. I thought it was okay, but i wasn't a crazy fan who was obsessed.  

  12. I really liked it. It also has a huge fanbase. So yeah, you should give it a chance.

  13. Awesome!!!!!! It's a vampire romance novel. At least read the first book, if you're like most people, you will be hooked. But if you don't you can put it down and walk away lol. Hope this helps :D

  14. yeah but its cheesey, i love the book but its over blown.

  15. yes i love the twilight series and i was very hesitant on reading it. i got really into it. and its crazy because I'm normally ew to much fans its overrated, but for once I'm like total fan. it got me hooked, i bet it could hook you to. just give it a chance. like my grandma says. you don't know till you try, and if you've tried it, try again.  

  16. OH GOD!

    this question is going to be overrun by twilight fangirls in about two seconds.

    the books are okay, they're not great though. you'll probably hate everyone in them by the time you're finished.  

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