
Is the British Pound the strongest currency in the world today

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If so, why?




  1. yes

  2. I would say the euro is stronger

  3. dunno probably

  4. I t doesnt feel like it. A few years back a euro was worth about 67p now its a bout 87p which reduces brits holidaying in the med

  5. I dont think so, Isnt the euro stronger than the pound at the moment?

  6. i thought it was Japanese money and my bf said yen is first euro DOLLAR is second (not english pound ) then american money tada

  7. What's all this rubbish? How on Earth can the euro be stronger than the pound when a euro is worth around 75p? The only currency stronger then the pound is the Cypriot pound (£1 =C£0.79).

    At the moment £ = €0.79

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