
Is the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Biased?

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I pose this question for Canadians, or the very select others who might possibly watch Canadian Television.

I have started watching the National. I could not help noticing how consistent the National is on presenting several themes:

1. Canadians should be afraid of the Conservative Party.

2. Stephen Harper is a cold-hearted and secretive Prime Minister that does not care about Canadians.

3. Ontario (mainly Toronto) is the center of the universe and any kind of bad weather or remotely unsettling news from there is reserved the top news story spot each night.

4. Regarding CBC programming in general - People from Ontario are Canadian; people from Quebec should try to be Canadian; people from the Maritimes are funny; people from the Prairies are simple or crazy or both; people from the west coast are supporters of the Green party; immigrants are to be revered; First Nations people are to be pitied; Americans are to be laughed at.

Have I missed any?

Is the CBC not biased?




  1. No.  They really aren't that different from other Canadian channels.  They are too soft on the war on Iraq.  That would seem an American bias.

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