
Is the CHELSEA LATELY show scripted? It seems like it flows way too well, can't be for real, you know?

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Is the CHELSEA LATELY show scripted? It seems like it flows way too well, can't be for real, you know?




  1. like the other guy said, it is scripted, but not word for word, just an idea of each topic and they take more than one take of each scene, and the editing

  2. hey she's just a good actor :p [i love her!!]

  3. i dont think the round table is scripted. but what chelsea herself says when she's introducing the topic and the questions she asks are def planned.

  4. that lady is very creepy and

    she acts like she's better than the world.

    and frankly i disagree.

  5. who in the world is she

  6. it is

  7. Some is scripted, like an outline script.

    The show is also heavily edited.

  8. i love that show. its not  all scripted but she has flash cards of topics she needs to cover.


  9. what.. she turns you on huh? me too:D

  10. Absolutely love the show...especially when Heather McDonald is at the round table!

    Anyway - it's not neccesirly scripted, no. You'll notice at the beginning of almost each episode, she goes on some rant or speech about some happening in recent pop culture. THAT is scripted.

    She also reads off of index cards throughout the round table portion of the show but those only tell her what topics to "talk about". The round table discussion itself isn't any more scripted than you and some friends having a conversation about pop culture at a bar - Chelsea and Co. just be sure to go out of their way to be funny (and succeed!).

    She does the occasional "segments", like Advice Box, Unlicensed Therapist, Deep Inside Hollywood, etc.. and i'd imagine for the most part THOSE segments are in fact scripted in some way.

    The interviews themselves are just like any other interview with celebrities on late night TV. Chelsea has even mentioned during one of her interviews that she "went over some stuff" with the person she's interviewing.

    So, in a nutshell, Chelsea Lately is a Late-Night television show: A very bare script with improv's left for the people on the air. Also, since the show isn't live, we see a lot of censoring (which is common on Chelsea's show) because either she or her guests will have a slip up from time to time...but make light of it :-p

    Hope that helped :-)

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