
Is the CIA bad?

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Ive heard a lot of stuff about the CIA...mostly bad. Ive thought about joining when im older for the excitement, but would i be working for a corrupt business? Please give your opinion.




  1. I too wanted to join CIA. I graduated in May with Bachelor degree in math. However, their hiring process is so lengthy and takes several and several months, or even more than an year.  So I didn't apply, because i need work immediately.

    But definitely they do have lots of math, computer science, engineering, etc etc jobs.

  2. you people have been watching too many movies

  3. they are fools and have no clue what they are doing! notice all the weapons of mass destruction we found in iraq??????

  4. First, they are not "Bad" unless you are the enemy.  Second, you join them if you want to be an office worker.  If you have ambitions to be a Covert Operations guy, they find you.  You have to be the BEST, and your loyalty cannot be questioned. If there are any mistakes in the past, like an arrest for petty theft, forget it.  If you were at one time a drug user, forget it. If you are covered with tattoos and nose rings, or have the holes from nose rings, forget it. Anything that could be used to blackmail you is a no-no.

    And you do not go into covert work for "the excitement" James Bond is a MOVIE character. If you really like adrenaline, try for Special Forces. They will supply you with more than enough.

  5. The CIA serves a purpose, some of it good some of it bad. They are the answer to the secret spy agencies found in most other countries. If all countries declared an end to spying then I guess we could close up Langley. Don't see that happening.

  6. The CIA has an appalling record if you believe in democracy, overturning popular and populist democratic regimes and replacing them with fascist dictators everywhere from Iran(!) to South America and beyond.  It is directly responsible for literally millions of deaths.

    If you don't believe me, then be prepared for your job by reading Rogue State by William Blum (ex State Department)... it's not a diatribe, it's a brief list of facts, pages and pages of them, chapters of them, all referenced to official US archives and other official sources: torture, murder, corruption (against the American people), terrorist attacks (Operation Gladio), assassinations, drug running, disappearances, mass rapes, chemical and biological warfare (sometimes on US civilians)... it's up to you if you want to get informed, and you'll need to in that job.  The thing that shocked me was the breathtaking scale of it all, not just the evil and stupidity of it... how counter productive it was.

    I'll warn you, Rogue State makes grim reading and the patterns are consistent in much of what we see in the world today.  On that basis the CIA is an unrivalled dealer in death and corruption, dwarfing Darfur.

  7. The CIA has allegedly been involved in replacing the leaders in various small countries with people who are friendly to US interests,

    that is the GREED INC. interests that buy lots of influence in our CONGRESS.

    There is also evidence of involvement in the "Iran / contra" scandal

    ... I have no first hand knowledge of any of these things but the history  is very spooky ... anyhow there is a LOT of secrecy involved and JFK warned AMERICA about secrecy.

    but did we listen?

    oh well.....

  8. They were to gather intellingence and got involved in destroying the government of sovereign countries.  Read a book by ex-CIA Philip Agee.  

    The good CIA agents that whistleblow are pushed aside and their careers are ruined.

    There are still good CIA agent but must watch ou fot their corrupt superiors.

    With FISA being watered down the CIA will be able to spy on you and me just for dissenting and whistleblowing.  They will cite National Security for their reason.

    The CIA had disagreed with the Bush White House about WMDs in Iraq and were ignored.

  9. They are 100% rotten.The CIA is friends with The Bilderberg Group,Bush,and so many other people that want to s***w the people over.The CIA is nothing more than The Bilderberg's pesonal army.They wil do anything that The Corrupted Government tells them to do,even if it goes against  Congress or is UnConstitutional.h**l,Bin Laden used to work for the CIA,that shows how corrupted they are.Working for the CIA is like selling your soul to the devil.

    VISIT or for more information that The Gov. WONT tell you about the CIA
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