
Is the CIA via Turkestan Islamics creating a pre-Olympics PsyOp Atmosphere of Fear and Insecurity in China?

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  1. Well, my immediate response was "You give the CIA too much credit."

    I read the link, and it certainly seemed at least superficially to be an example of "retrofitting." IE. someone came up with a theory, and then searched for facts which fit the theory. While retrofitting can produce superficially very convincing arguments, ultimately it is a logically flawed method of argument, since ANY theory can be made to sound convincing with careful retrofitting.

    I also don't WHY the CIA would do this, it would be a hi risk operation for what gain? The USA depends on China to finance it's borrowing, why would you sabotage your banker? And if the Chinese found out about the CIA's involvement in something like would be a propaganda bonanza to them and most definitely strengthen the regime.

    All things considered I think it's unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely.

  2. what makes you think they do.

  3. You really need to get out more or find another hobby.

    Making up conspiracy theories like that makes you look silly

  4. the chinese are paranoid on their own, i don't believe they are very intimidated by the cia or any foreign influence in their country. they have a way of protecting their sovereignty called sudden death.  

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