
Is the Chinese gov't that was involved in the Tiananmen Square massacre the same gov't that is in power today

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Is the Chinese gov't that was involved in the Tiananmen Square massacre the same gov't that is in power today




  1. Yes it is.

    And what you know as a Historical fact isn't even acknowledged there.

    The Chinese government has never admitted the Tiananmen Square massacre even happened. No mention of it can be found on China's version of Yahoo.

    Even worse. since their government controls most of their industry you are supporting that government by buying all those Chinese imports.

    So look for "Made in the U.S.A." and look of the union label,,,

    nevermind those things aren't around any more.

  2. you bet ye, just the head of the party is a new guy.

  3. yes the Republic of china communism sucks!

    when the government tells you how many children your aloud to have your in a bad place

  4. Not all the same people but the same mindset.

    How did this country manage to be permitted to hold something as democratic as the Olympics?

  5. Mr. Bitter, how right you are. Not only that, but we still to this day don't know what happened to that young man who stood in front of the tank. There have been all kinds of rumors that he is in jail or was executed but nothing has been confirmed.

  6. Yes, and they also have blocked access for local Chinese to any websites showing the true history of the Tianamen Square incident.  Recently the same government was pressured to open websites to news service workers only during the Olympics.  Tourists and locals will still have limited access to news from the Internet.

    The Communist governments at work, suppressing the truth from their local population for the good of the government over the good of the people.

  7. Yup.

  8. yes

  9. Yes. It is called the People's Republic of China or PRC governed by the Chinese Communist Party or CCP founded in 1949. The Chairman at the time of the Tianamen incident was Mr. Deng Xiaoping.  Today the leader is Hu Jingtao. All one continuous government.

  10. yea i think so

  11. Yes, it is the same government.

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