Today, the Chinese government said that tomorrow, they would be removing 18% of its subsidies to it's market......right before the olympics mind you, so that their people would have to pay 18% more for oil. China is 40% of the world's oil energy market, says CNBC. Multiplying .18 by .4 gives an overall effect of a world drop in energy prices of 5.6%.
This immediately reflected in the stock market as their change was announced late morning.
Energy stocks dropped and stocks that depended on oil rose by incremental amounts. Do you think Chinese affluents who planned this move, made serious money on our stock market this morning, and any who participated along with them, other affluents, who were made aware of the changes coming, who made the deals to have this take place.
Consider, if they had purchased options on the right side of this trade while these stocks were moving in the opposite direction to their play, they bought the options cheap and they cashed in big time!