
Is the Civil rights movement over or is it still going on?

by Guest58060  |  earlier

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Why do you think so? Please give at least one specific example to support your opinion.




  1. Hey Rachel or whoever u r , you shouldn't be asking this question on yahoo answers.

  2. Time to bury it, there are enough "handout" programs out there for them all.

  3. Hopefully, blacks can sit at luncheonette counters without getting arrested.

    Laws have been changed but they still can't get equal numbers of jobs in corporations and the cement ceiling is about 6 feet for black, 8 feet for women, still.  White males have it all.

    Go figure.

  4. The organizations still exist and the price of liberty is eternal vigilance, but it is nothing like it used to be.  There are no freedom rides, today.  There are no federal troops securing admission to university by non-whites in the South, etc.  Much of it has now gone beyond equal rights to demanding privileges.

  5. Oh, it's still going on.  It's just in a different form.

    Years ago, people gathered, protested & marched in order to get the attention of their elected officials.

    Nowadays, the ACLU does it in the court room & behind the backs of the masses.

  6. I dont think so much as far as race but, gender descrimination is plentifull!!!! 90% of women get custody of children in most divorce cases based on gender alone. Many women that accept the tag of stay at home mom, and choose not to work collecting welfare and child support. But, the man is forced to work tons of overtime to afford to live cutting into time with his children. With the fathers absence in his childrens lives allot of children go back to the same court out of getting in trouble later in years because of the fathers absence in there lives!!! A woman that is fully capable of working collects welfare,child support, and food stamps, not only crippling our welfare system but, costing everyone more in taxes to cover these services. When did we as a country lose belief in our good men and start to think that only 10% of us are good enough for our kids? If men was equal in this situation, not only would there be less juvenile  crime but, also a big burden would be lifted off of our taxes. Insurance would be better for children with both parents working, affording better coverage.Yet, another thing our taxes pays for is medicade!!! But, our government has done nothing but give a free ride to one gender, while cracking the whip on the backs of the other. When our government finally wakes up and realizes that this is no longer the days of Ozzy and Hariet we all will benefit!!! Divorce rates would be down, juvenile crime would be down, our taxes would go down, test scores in schools would go up, more jobs would be created in daycare, and kids would have a more balanced family structure and be more happy!!! Not to mention, with all the moms off of welfare our tax revenue would go up, instead of down!!! And i'm sure that many women benefitting from the system will not agree of course, and i realize that not every situation is the same but, there needs to be a comprimise somewhere. Kids from a broken home stand a bigger chance of continuing education with both parents working rather than just one, becoming better members of society as a whole!!! So, when you descriminate against fathers rights, everybody looses more!!!

  7. The civil rights movement should move on to the next stage:  Equal pay for equal work, eliminating gender discrimination and equal quality of education and opportunity for all.

  8. The Civil rights movement is still going on. with much less press coverage, and stories that are streamlined to lessen the impact on the public.

    Specifically the Jena Six case.  The case happened almost a year prior to any press coverage. then once it came to light, the story was chopped and cut to finally it was a 2 sentence blurb on the nightly news.

    Also A specific case here in North Carolina where a Black man was convicted of rape after being identified by his EARS! no DNA was ever taken!

    Radio DJ Tom Joyner brings alot of things to light. Rev Al Sharpton speaks often on these cases.

    Unfortunately as long as Americans classify it's citizens by race (according to the government, i am not just an American, I am an African American, although I have never been to any African nation in my life, same holds true with Hispanic Americans, and the people that were here first, Native Americans)  But it is funny, the only people that are just called Americans are Whites.

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