
Is the Clue Board Game any fun?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering before I was going to buy it... I want a full reveiw about it and this is the link to the Clue I will buy:

This is the form you will fill out:

(*Note- Copy and paste it on your answer.)

1. How many stars do you give it? (5 highest, 0 lowest)

2. Please write a description.

3. Would you recommend it?

4. Tell me to buy it or not.




  1. 1. How many stars do you give it? (5 highest, 0 lowest)

    5 Stars.

    2. Please write a description.

    Basically there is are 3 stacks of cards. One for the suspect. One for the murder weapon. One for the room the crime was committed in. One card from each stack is put aside (that is the solution) and the rest are divided among the players.

    Each player rolls the dice and moves their token around the board, which is a map of a mansion. When you enter a room, you can make a "suggestion". This is just voicing a suspicion of what you think the solution is.

    Then play passes around the table and if a player has one of the cards that you named then they must show it to you. Then you can mark it off as not being part of the solution (because if they have it, then it can't be in the pile that was set aside).

    Thus, by process of elimination, you find out what the solution is. When you think you know it, you voice it aloud and look at the cards. If you are right, then you win. If you are wrong, then you are out of the game and play continues without you.

    That is the basic description, and probably how your first few games will go. However, as you get more familiar with the game, a myriad of strategies become apparent and it gets to be rather complex and interesting!

    3. Would you recommend it?

    I would highly recommend this game. Our family has many, many board games and this is the only one we play consistently.

    4. Tell me to buy it or not.

    It's well worth the price that Toys 'R' Us is asking for it. Buy it! You won't be disappointed.

  2. 5

  3. 3 STARS IT IS FUN BUT IT GETS BORING AFTER A WHILE. All u do is find out how did the mystry.

  4. 1. How many stars do you give it? (5 highest, 0 lowest) ~ 5

    2. Please write a description. ~you get to be a detective...You put the card of the killer in a tiny package (without looking) then you ask the other players what cards they have until you find out 'who dun it'

    3. Would you recommend it? ~ ermm...yeah i guess its classic.

    4. Tell me to buy it or not. ~ go for it if u like board games...imo they are "boaring".

  5. 1. I give it 4 out of 5 stars

    2. You are solving a murder mystery...There are cards for every character, room, and weapon in the game. Before the game starts, one card of each type is removed from the deck; no one knows which ones, and these are the specific murder weapon, the room the crime was committed in, and the murderer.

    The rest of the cards are distributed to the players, who then go about from room to room making theories as to WHO was the killer, Which WEAPON they used, and WHERE the murder took place.

    Other players can disprove theories by showing a card to the guessing player; You figure out the answers by process of elimination.

    3. Yeah, it's a classic! Quite fun, but only good if you have more than two people playing...a good thinking game.

    4. I say buy it.

  6. no

    i hate it

  7. well, i dont really like it personaly, but it varies for different people. If you like mysteries, you might like it, but if you like more exiting games, I would definantly say no.

  8. well i have clue master detective i think thats the newest version....anyway ive played it i give it have to first roll the dice then move out of the starting point and take a card from 1 persons hand and u have a checklist 2 check off info when u think u have ur facts straight and its ur turn u tell every1 u think u no the answer and u look in this classified envolope wih the answer...if ur right u win!BUT if ur wrong u put the cards in the envolope and r out of the game....i would recomend it....u should buy it i guess....its a good game...: )

  9. 1. How many stars do you give it? 5

    2. Please write a description.  a who dunit game, trying to find out the weapon, room and murderer. Fun group game

    3. Would you recommend it? yes, but it is only fun if you have 3 or more players and they must be able to read, not good for little kids. They don't really understand the idea of the game

    4. Tell me to buy it or not. buy it, it is cheap. Problably cheaper at walmart or target

  10. 1. How many stars do you give it?

        - 4

    2. Please write a description.

        - It's fun when you play with a bunch of friends, to figure out            

           what happened in the case, lots of fun

    3. Would you recommend it?

         - yes I would recommend it

    4. Tell me to buy it or not.

         - I think you should buy it

  11. 1. How many stars do you give it? 4

    2. Please write a description. Try to figure out the murderer, weapon and room the crime was held in.

    3. Would you recommend it? Deffinately

    4. Tell me to buy it or not. YES

  12. 5 stars

    have always loved it as it makes you think and develop logical deductions. I highly recommend it I have 2 versions of it. I would buy it, it truly is fun.

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