
Is the Coast Guard military?

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Easy question, now I just want to see what people think. Simple yes or no. You can add on more if you want




  1. Yes, very definitely!

  2. Yes, it is a branch of the military.

  3. Yes the coast guard is part of the military. If it has guns and ventures into international or foreign territories/waters, it's military. It is in this Marine's opinion that the Coast Guard is the only (former) member of the department of defense who's duty is actual "defense". The other branches are more like offense. I don't really like that Bush moved them out of the department of defense. They were fine there. They actually play a very active role in the war on drugs which, in this Marine's opinion, is a bit more pressing/structured than the war on terror. Up until 2001, they were shooting the most bullets.

  4. Yes,you can also retire with full military benefits.

  5. Yes during a time of war.

    Also, their website ends with .mil so yes, they are part of the military :)

  6. Yes-you should watch the Guardian. It's good.

  7. Yes they are considered the military. They are considered the department of homeland security. They are considered the 'Navy" during wartime.

  8. Yes! Just not really combat oriented.

  9. barly they dont even do anything they just sit there and do nothing if you really wanna make a diffrence join the MARINES

  10. i dunno. i think they just fish and help other fishermen who run out of gas. saw something on tv about those guys. i would like to do that. they must make a lot of money and hang out.  

  11. yes, they can fight.

  12. Yes

    It doesn't matter if we are at war or not.

    It doesn't matter what people's opinions are or what they think.

    The Coast Guard is one of the 5 branches of the Military.

    We are in the DHS not DOD, and we have not been DOT since 2003.

    The one and only time the Coast Guard fell under the Department of the Navy was during WWII.

    Check this out -

  13. only during times of war. But reality is, they ( Coast guards) Do there jobs  all the time, I.E. helping stranded boats, busting drug traffickers ect... but I do think the benefits are the same.  

  14. J K is correct, except they are now under the Department of Homeland Security in peacetime.

  15. During peace time, the Coast Guard falls under the Department of Transportation.  During times of war, it falls under the Department of the Navy.

    It falls under the DOT because you can't have the "military" performing police functions unless it's a matter of national security.

  16. Coast gaurd is technical part of the department of defense. I dont consider them military but that doesnt mean they arent doing anything important.

  17. Yes!!!

  18. yea, why wouldn't it be?

  19. I believe that during the time of war it is but not during a time it isn't.

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