
Is the Cote vs Silva the most grossly missmatched fight in all UFC history?

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What kind of threat does Cote has to hurt silva ? Striking ? obvioulsy , not grappling !! This is a huge missmatch favouring silva it only shows how empty is the middleweight division ,however there are some guys that deserve more the title shot , at least OKAMI does ,Cote in the last fight barely survived , or better said , he did nothing , remember that cote got knocked out by leben and leben was destroyed by silva , this is ridiculous.

Cote has won the last four fights because he was put against fighters at the bottom of the ladder ,guys that cant have back to back wins , and with almeida he did nothing was an as.s boring fight.

Why does he got a title shot ? its just ridiculous ,and OKAMI is the worst treated fighter in the UFC he beat the who is who in the div, and hes getting no respect from the ufc .




  1. They banned every fighter who would be able to stand a chance against A Silva, and especially those that would clearly finish him. Namely Denis Kang, Misaki, and principally the #1 Middleweight in the world, Matt "The Law" Lindland.


  2. Yeah, but if Cote did win and you were one of the 12 people to lay bets on him, imagine how much you'd win.  There are very few people in MMA who could beat Anderson Silva right now.  

    At 185 I agree with the guy above me, Matt Lindland would be a good choice because he's such a strong wrestler which fits that tiny gap between Anderson's Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu games.  I also think Wanderlei Silva would be a good match up.

  3. Your right the middleweight division is empty.

    And Yushin Okami does deserve the title shot. Cote is just filling in because Yushin Okami got injured in training.

  4. Well they wanted the Okami rematch, but he broke his hand.  I think they really wanted Ricardo Almeida to fight Anderson, but unfortunately he didn't come into the Cote fight in shape at all and lost the split decision in a fight where neither proved they should be fighting Anderson yet.  Marquardt and Henderson didn't do well against Anderson (besides Hendo's first round), so I don't see Cote doing it.  However, in MMA anything can happen and Cote is confident at least.

    Cote was recently quoted saying that it would take 10 of Anderson's punches to knock him out and he only needs one.  Kind of feel sorry for him since apparently he hasn't saw the Leben or Irvin fight since those were guys with similar mindsets.  I'm glad he's confident though, it will make for a little bit better of a fight.

    Point is, there is nobody at 185 in the UFC right now for Ando, but Cote.  Anderson has stated he doesn't want to stay at LHW and let his teammate Machida do the work (I love how Blackhouse has Big Nog, Machida, and Ando tearing up each division).  I would say whoever wins the UFC 89 main event of Bisping vs Leben will get the next crack at Anderson unless Okami is prepared.

    Like stated previously, Anderson outclasses UFC's whole 185lb division now that Hendo has been taken out.  So, no point in being mad, but no I still don't think it's the WORST mismatch fight or title fight in UFC history.

  5. Well Okami had withdrew from the fight because he broke his hand about 3 weeks ago wile training...and Cote is the only other choice...I mean honestly who else can they put up there...There div is so thin right now Cote is the only choice and besides they dont wanna do Franklin again for 2 reason...1 he was beat down twice and 2 he is moveing up to 205 to fight Matt Hamill and will probly stay at 205...And to answer the whole mismatched question...YES...this is a huge mismatch...just like the Chris Leben and Anderson Silva fight...Silva should KO him much like he did Leben and Irvin...

    For the guy below me...Denis Kang?...The Law?...How are they going to beat him...The best thing about Kang is his striking...and well anderson would skool him on there feet as well as on the ground...And whut does Matt have for Silva that Hendo didnt show him???...If Anderson fought either of the fighter you named it would end in a TKO or KO...Nice try tho

  6. Yeah. Until Cote Knocks him out.

  7. The only advantage Cote has is the fact that his English is SLIGHTLY better than Silva's.  Other than that, Cote will be dominated-like a metrosexual pretty boy in a pound me in the a$$ prison

  8. No one stands a chance in any division right now.  Granted one day, Silva will lose, but it wont be anytime soon (unless someone gets lucky).  Silva is so dominating and has no weakness.  Everyone thought that the Henderson fight was going to be a little tough for SIlva, but after it was over it was the same thing.  You cant beat Silva right now, period.  BUT everyone will lose eventually and his time is coming, I just dont beleive it will be anytime soon, and honestly, if Dana would let Forrest and Silva fight right now for LHW belt, SIlva in the 1st round, Forrest is exactly what Serra was, got lucky and stole a belt, now will not defend it.

  9. I would say so.  I am unsure as to why Cote gets that title shot over someone like Okami...  I do not see any threat to Silva.  Makes you wonder what people will say when they compare Silva to Fedor and the competition.  The only think I can say in defense of Cote is that everyone has a chance.

  10. first of all I can not find any official UFC article saying that cote is fighting silva, second, leben did not knock out cote, he only lost a split decision, which many people thought he won, third, okami was going to get a title shot until he injured himself, forthly, cote is not some backyard mma wannabe on youtube, he is a professional fighter, who hits very hard and in my opinion has very underrated grappling ability, he's a purple belt in BJJ which is better than most idiots on the street, i'm not saying that cote is going to beat silva easy, but it is not an imposible fight by all means. good luck to the predator!

  11. i hope cote knocks him out. i hate silva

  12. As everybody has said already, Okami got injured training, and Cote is just filling in. Regardless, Anderson's on such another level than other middleweight fighters that the UFC's just tossing whoever they can into the ring with him.

    I'd say Misaki and Hendo (if his cut really gassed him out as bad as he said it did) are the only ones who might make the fight a little competitive.

  13. Pretty much anybody who is currently in the Middleweight division (in any MMA promotion) is grossly mismatched by Anderson Silva.  The guy needs to move up in weight in order to be challenged.

  14. I do agree with you about Cote not deserving the title shot. And as for him losing to Leben and Silva kicking Lebens ***, I actually think Cote will match up against Silva better than Leben did I do think Silva will Knock him out though. While Okami should get the next shot he has fought A. Silva before in Rumble on the Rock and was knocked out by an upkick from silva who was on his back at the time

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