
Is the DNC one big ?

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Soap Opera or is it an Infomercial ?




  1. A four day infomercial paid for by lobbyists and special interest groups.

  2. Its' a farce, so what else is new- how clever of you to notice. I sense a strong odor above me. Forgive me for saying so.

  3. Infomercial.  I don't think it will turn into the Soap Opera that Rush Limbaugh and his Operation Chaos hope it will.

  4. Yes, I kept expecting some celebrity to come out and announce the winner, it reminded me of some sort of academy awards.

  5. It is one big commie circle jerk.

  6. I could only bear to watch a little and it reminded me of something that P.T. Barnum would have loved.

  7. It's a bunch of bunk and a chance for the dummies to prove how dumb

    they really are. the cops wrestling with protesters was more entertaining!

  8. I checked it out now and then but just can't stand to hang around and watch them slobber all over each other-----they make my skin crawl.

  9. Well, I am not sure because I don't watch either, but it stands to reason since I change the channel when ever they show their traitorous faces.

    I do find it interesting that this mornings poll on weather or not the lady apes speech united the party was 58 to 41 percent no.  

  10. It's just something you  can't watch much of.  But I did listen to her speech. But she will never convince me that 20 years of hate is still not in her heart.  When you hate .you have this coldness about you. this women has it,  So I left with worse feeling about her, rather than feeling a little hope, just in case she is first lady. But, it just wasn't there. for me.  

  11. Soap opera for sure. I was touched by the appearance of the murdering swimmer Ted.
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