
Is the Dark Knight film THE MOVIE that will make you think it's time to buy a blu-ray player?

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I remember when the Matrix DVD came out about 8-9 years ago and a lot of people were still clinging on to their VHS collections. It was widely accepted that the Matrix DVD was THE MOVIE that converted a lot of skeptics into DVD-player owners. That movie was the reason why I blew my first paycheck on a Pioneer DVD player that was as thick as an AV reciever and as expensive as the PS3 is today. Only after a few years, when the chinese started pirating the movies on DVD did it become more common.

Now, blu-ray players can be found in almost every electronics store but sales are as poor as DVD players were before the Matrix DVD came out.

I just read an article that "the powers that be" (Hollywood) is planning on riding on the success of the Dark Knight to boost blu-ray player sales, in the same way they used the Matrix for the DVD medium.

When the Dark Knight comes out this coming christmas on blu-ray, would you be considering buying a blu-ray player then?




  1. I will buy one when that is the only way to watch movies at home.I have more important things to spend my money on than every new gadget that comes along.

  2. Nope, I bought mine when Pirates of the Caribbean came out on blu-ray.

  3. i loved that movie but i wouldn't buy a new player just to see it again. there will probably be a dvd or on iTunes. =D  

  4. no. i loved TDK but thats waaaay too much money for a player and the dvd's themselves are about 40 bucks each. sorry but ill pass. i have real bills to pay.

  5. Yes that does sound convincing since the film used IMAX cameras but still it's a LOT of money.  

  6. No.  I have a DVD player, but use it as much as my VHS.  I have a toddler and tapes are indestructible!  1 fingerprint on a disc and it's done.

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