
Is the Democratic party against white people?

by  |  earlier

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I think they are, but are they?




  1. When they are lead by those who speak one word and that is "Hate" then I have to agree

  2. no, congratulations Jake,you just brought the republicans to a new low of ignorance.

  3. Kiss my black a**!!!

  4. The White Power structure?  What the h**l does that mean?

    Democrats want to country to be better for everyone- regardless of race, religion, or creed.  No where in the constitution does it say you have to be white to be in power.  Please come join 2008.  Where everyone is equal.  

  5. What a racist question and statement.  Shame on you..

  6. No they are only against working people who pay taxes

  7. No. They are against big corporations that are trying to change laws to serve their interests.

  8. if your concern is that democrats are trying to make a future in which being white does not give a person extra privilege in society (as it does now), then you're right, the democrats are trying to move beyond that world. i'm not sure what you mean by "the white power structure," but if you mean the system of power that currently rewards people for being white, then yes your concern is correct. personally, i think that every person in america should be concerned with a power structure that rewards whiteness.

  9. I don't believe that the Democrats are against white people, just like I don't believe that they are FOR Black people.

    They have their set of beliefs and ideals, unfortunately, they appear to get kidnapped and used in a game of race bating.

    Their appears to be a section of the population as well as a portion of the media who feed the hysteria of this nation.  This same thing happens in other countries and its all about playing on peoples emotions and fears.

    In a way, this causes people to short-circuit their own thought process and trigger survivor skills and thus clouding judgement.

    If you ask me, I would love to see us get rid of the "Party" system.

    Why can we not simply have politicians run on where they stand on issues,  then lead and work based on their beliefs?

    In other words,  we would no longer see voting in the house or senate based on party affiliations.

    For some reason our political system has gone to Democrats or Republicans having power...what can we do to give the power back to the people?  Remove Party Affiliations.

    Why can't we have President XYZ, Citizen of America?  Senator ABC, Citizen of America located in State ABC?  Representative LMN, Citizen of America loctaed in District 123, State EFG?

    Then have all these politicians vote on bills and issues that go before based on how they believe.

    I don't want to see any "Alliances" of politicians.  I don't like knowing that politicians trade favors for votes on bills.

    Today politics are a game and some day that game could cost the very existance of America.

    It's time for Democrats and Republicans to unite and remove the party tags and lift up the American people.

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