
Is the Democratic party heading down a path to destruction?

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I have always been a faithful Democrat, and agreed with most of the platform, but it seems to me the party has made decisions in the last few elections that alienate a lot of people. I am even considering changing parties. and i was wondering if anyone else out there was feeling the same way?




  1.   No. They're heading America down a path to destruction.  

  2. Sure is. I know a family member who is a traditional democrat but is going to vote republican in spite of Obama.

  3. Being from Chicago I know lots of life long Democrats and yes many of them are fleeing the nutty left wingers that control that party.

    How nutty? The last two VP candidates from their party are not even allowed at the party convention!

  4. its not the party that needs help, its the 2 party system in the US that causes both sides to converge towards the middle in what's called median voter theory. democrats become more conservative, as evident by obama's stance on abortion and g*y marriage (so disappointing). if you're a faithful democrat, where will you go? if you vote independent, your vote basically doesn't count and if you're that faithful, you won't go republican. that's the two party system, you're stuck.

  5. No. It seems to me that they're heading down a path that will stop at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  6. Hardly.

    We will be the savior of the American way - after enduring eight years of fascist legislation.

  7. I believe the Democrats are as strong as ever. It's the Republican party that needs to redefine themselves...Conservative No, Morality NOT. See where this is going? I hope I answered your question.

  8. Born and raised in a republican household but even my own dad who typically votes "straight ticket" will be switching this year....

    To each his own.  So long as you're voting for someone rather than against another, I see no issue with it.  Just vote.

  9. Like a train on greased track!

  10.   I consider my self a moderate with centrist leanings and ive voted for members of both parties and a few independents too.  What ive seen from the Democratic side of politics over the last 20 years borders on complete anarchy and blatant irresponibility mixed in with total arrogance.   If i was a decicidely Democratic voter which i am not i admit i would be appalled at the wet puppy Obama that has been thrust into my lap.  what should i do? Take him in even though i dont want him? Be Disloyal and heartless and take him back the pound?  Or should i take him back to his rightful owners and say thanx but no thanks ive had enough of your doggie doo doo?

  11. I'd say the Republican party is.  I've been a Republican for years, switched to Democrat and haven't looked back.  

  12. Let's hope so.

  13. Welcome. Slowly people are starting to see the failure of the democratic party. If the party of John Kennedy still existed, this election would be a blow out. Socialist systems such as exist in Cuba and China can't and won't work here.  

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