
Is the Democratict party a Cult?

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DNC looked like a Cult to me.




  1. hmm - good point.  I never saw it that way, but they do worship their false gods.

  2. Great emphasis on loyalty to the group and it's teachings: When a Democrat defects and becomes a Republican or Independent, cult members jump on them like a rat on a cheeto (Ron Silver, d**k Morris) but anyone who defects to their side is lauded as a hero. Big Bang/Darwinism and Global Warming are Absolutes and must be spoken so as such (regardless of the lack of evidence to support either) and Intelligent Design is considered ignorant.  

    Single-minded groupthink: Although Republicans are generally split on issues like Environmentalism, Creationism, Abortion, Religion, and even taxes, Democrats must all be pro-choice, environmentalists.  And if you're religious, prepare to be condescended to (or even openly mocked) for such a pedestrian and backwater belief.

    The leaders claim to be the chosen agents to affect the vision and the followers refuse to acknowledge any errors they make objectively: Feminists are constantly apologizing for Clinton's philandering and blame the victim as often as "equal justice" folks overlook Obama's Rezco issues and claims he's the answer to... something...

    Here is a complete list: (I think you can think up examples of each)

    1) Their leader/s may claim a special, exclusive ministry, revelation or position of authority given by God.

    2) They believe they are the only true church and take a critical stance regarding the Christian church while at the same time praising and exalting their own group, leader/s and work.

    3) They use intimidation or psychological manipulation to keep members loyal to their ranks. This could be in the form of threats of dire calamity sent by God if they leave; certain death at Armageddon; being shunned by their family and friends etc. This is a vital part of the mind control process.

    4) Members will be expected to give substantial financial support to the group. This could be compulsory tithing (which is checked); signing over all their property on entering the group; coercive methods of instilling guilt on those who have not contributed; selling magazines, flowers or other goods for the group as part of their "ministry".

    5) At the same time bible-based cults may ridicule churches that take up free-will offerings by passing collection plates and/or sell literature and tapes. They usually brag that they don't do this. This gives outsiders the intimation that they are not interested in money.

    6) There will be great emphasis on loyalty to the group and its teachings. The lives of members will be totally absorbed into the group's activities. They will have little or no time to think for themselves because of physical and emotional exhaustion. This is also a vital part of the mind control process.

    7) There will be total control over almost all aspects of the private lives of members. This control can be direct through communal living, or constant and repetitious teaching on "how to be a true Christian" or "being obedient to leadership". Members will look to their leaders for guidance in everything they do.

    8) Bible-based cults may proclaim they have no clergy/laity distinction and no paid ministry class - that they are all equal.

    9) Any dissent or questioning of the group's teachings is discouraged. Criticism in any form is seen as rebellion. There will be an emphasis on authority, unquestioning obedience and submission. This is vigilantly maintained.

    10) Members are required to demonstrate their loyalty to the group in some way. This could be in the form of "dobbing" on fellow members (including family) under the guise of looking out for "spiritual welfare".

    11) They may be required to deliberately lie (heavenly deception/theocratic strategy) or give up their lives by refusing some form of medical treatment.

    12) Attempts to leave or reveal embarrassing facts about the group may be met with threats. Some may have taken oaths of loyalty that involve their lives or have signed a "covenant" and feel threatened by this.

    13) Refugees of the group are usually faced with confrontations by other members with coercion to get them to return to the group.

  3. In what respect?

  4. no the dems rule go obama

  5. When you denounce a two party system, like they are denouncing Republicans, you are only left with one party - ONE party is the definition of Communism.

  6. Ha, if anything the Republicans are a cult. They don't want people to be enlightened....just follow the leader.

  7. Obama Messiah says it isn't.

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