
Is the Dx. of Endometriosis Often Missed?

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Is the Relevant Hx. Given Low Weight?





  1. It's often a difficult diagnosis in any case. Also, the link between bowel symptoms and the time of the menstrual cycle is likely to be missed not only by the physician but also by the patient herself. It would be nice if illnesses acted the way the organizations tell you, but that's not the way the world works in individuals. Going from the general to the specific is always something of a leap, not just with endometriosis but with most illnesses.

  2. As a female (hysterectomy at 40yrs) with both endometriosis and crohn's for 25 years who shuttled between GYN and Gastroenterologists to reach diagnosis...I think it is missed.  My situation was not normal by any means.  However, I think it is relevant for doctors to consider.  Unfortunately, the only viable diagnostic tools to validate are expensive surgical interventions.  

    In my case, both were contributing factors to my features.  Ultimately, the doctors need to connect the two...with the help of an observant patient.

    Not sure I've contributed to your question...but its my observation none-the-less.


    EDIT:  MD Greg....I whole heartedly agree!  It's a problem, in this country (US) as doctors have precisely 10 nanoseconds to meet with the clients and diagnose the issues.  In my case, I kept getting passed back and forth between docs before a final suggestion that both problems contributed to my issues.

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