
Is the EU starting to become a dictatorhip?

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Also, second question, who runs the EU, do these people have to elected democratically or are they just installed into their positions?




  1. I wouldn't say it's becoming a dictatorship.

    You can read about their government in the link below.  It's sort of a mix between a republic and another form of government, perhaps a monarchy.  Some officials are elected democratically, while others are not.

  2. It will be eventually.

  3. So far I know, the European Parliament is elected.

    As such it should concentrate more powers than the single national governments do.

    Please note that even the governments which have the people in the commission are elected and nominate their people in the commission.

    In multiple countries, nomination by elected people is also used.

    This is still more democratic than the UK with its chamber of the Lords and its Queen.

  4. soon ther will be a new world order but as long as me and my kids dont live throgh it suck

  5. The "people of evil" compute a percentage of control they have over the free world.   They got some good ideas from the German "Stasi" training course and case files.  When Russia ran East Germany, they had their usual "turning assets into the state and living in slavery" with one of the few paying jobs the Stasi, or East German secret police, an attempt to show them what a secret police org under communism could do.

    They made it look like many of the German businessmen and leaders targeted by an army of spies for the Stasi are now in the government.  Acually many of them are possessed by male witches who write their speeches in Bylorussia or other parts of the former Soviet Union.  .  

    A "dictatorship" run by remote control or through witchcraft can be only laughed at by the people or overthrown gently, not to hurt the bodies of those possessed by witchcraft.  People possessed by witches or those who are giving prepared speeches can usually not engage in impromptu dialog or answer questions.

    It is hard to have impromptu dialog when there are so many languages, but there are democractic elections in each of the countries in the EU. (I think).

  6. Can you believe what the previous poster said... "There is no boss" in the EU.  What a load of rubbish.  Every six months (now), the EU is run by a country (president if you like) and they alternate every six months.  Soon, Italy will be the nation president, then Ireland I think, then UK and so on and so on.  However, if the Lisbon Treaty gets passed (hopefully the Good Lord will prevent it from doing so), there will be a two year president (not with the powers of a national president but with certain duties).  

    Beware of the EU.  Ireland has awaken and knows the evils of the EU.  They said NO.  The Irish have always been known for having common sense.  The UK should do the same... wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late.

  7. you should touch your nose before

    (faked elections in the USA)

    your government does the same things like hitler did

    the amount is the difference and the victims

  8. No it is not a dictatorship.

    In fact, since it doesn't have centralised power (i.e. the power rests with the states), it is more democratic than the US ;).

    The EU is run by a free association of member countries. They have a parliament which passes directives (which have to be implemented by the member governments and their parliaments).

    Basically it is a group hug of countries. There is no boss.

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