
Is the Earth actually getting colder,...?

by Guest64922  |  earlier

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  1. Yea, I had to wear a friggin parka today it was so cold outside.

  2. Uh... no the Earth isn't getting colder instead it's getting warmer.  

  3. No,

    The same gang the said there was no connection between smoking and lung cancer are pushing this lie.

  4. "1998 was an unusually warm year. In staatistical terms, an "outlier""

    How many statistics courses did you take, Bob?

    "Also faulty is his assertion that global warming is caused by the Sun increasing. Scientists measure solar radiation, and they KNOW this isn't true:"

    Actually, if you use ACRIM, TSI has been increasing, and although this increase is small in the recent years, the large increase prior to 1950 is sufficient to explain a large part of the recent warming.

  5. Yep...Hasn't gotten any warmer than 1998, set a whole bunch of worldwide, 100-year cold records this past winter, and this summer has been one of the mildest in my memory.  Oh yeah, the ice up in the North Polar Region grew back this year, too.  One more year like this one and Al Gore might just lose his freshly printed carbon credits.

  6. No, just look at the data yourself:

    And don't get your climate science information from David Archibald, who isn't even a climate scientist, and coincidentally wrote quite possibly the worst climate science paper of all time.

  7. "Outlier" - - - means "it doesn't fit our model so we'll come up with an excuse to ignore it."

    In 1999 they didn't say "forget 1998" - they were all over 1998.     That's all we heard from them was 1998.

  8. Oh, right, I'm going to waste a lot of time on this question!!!

    In the first paragraph of the link you provide we fiind that this "research" has been done by one person, hasn't been published, hasn't been peer-reviewed and the author is "a scientist (and entrepreneur) operating in the field of cancer research, climate science and oil exploration." - pretty multi-talented huh? Wonder how much time he can spend on the very broad subject of "climate science" i-between exploring for oil (which does make him a little biased...), entrepreneuring, finding the cure for cancer, etc, etc.

    I stopped reading right there!

    The answer is No.

  9. No.  Right now, its getting warmer.

    And in a few more years, it will start getting colder again.

  10. it will always be getting either warmer or colder on a geologic scale and nothing we do will stop or slow that.

    but on a human scale, no it isn't. we're exiting an ice age ( again geologic terms) so we SHOULD be getting warmer.

  11. It may be cooling a bit. or the heat may be sinking into the depths of the oceans.

    Either happening would give us a lot of surface readings and observations that are much the same.

    We have some indication that world average temperatures have declined since this time last year when Arctic ice cover substantially disappeared.

    Now melting a lot of ice does lower temperatures even though it takes heat to melt the ice. So we can have lower temperatures simply because ice melts.

    We have not yet reached the time of year when Arctic ice would have reached its annual minimum, but there are already hints that we will not see a melt off as great as last year. I wonder if that big hunk of ice shelf floating off into the ocean will cool or warm the Arctic.

    Antarctic ice formation, other than along the peninsula, appears to be ahead of this time last year. This may be part of the cyclical Pacific process. This issue is getting a lot of attention now, but answers are still not totally convincing.

    Neither cooling nor warming are likely to be as beneficial as a fairly constant global temperature. Cooling has a beneficial effect of distributing rainfall over a lot of land rather than having it fall in narrow bands producing big floods. It does not necessarily have the big problems for crop production that we might expect. Cooling, if slow enough will reduce the force of storms, and in doing so it will reduce the volume of arctic air pushed down into our crop zones.

    Now be sure you understand that I am not talking about descent into  ice age. I am discussing only limited cooling.

    We presumably  have not warmed our oceans enough to sustain entry into a major ice age. Entry into a major ice age is likely dependent on having in the oceans enough heat to provide for sustained evaporation despite  global dimming of cloud cover over most of the earth.

    So discussion of entry into a major ice age is important for some period after a lot more warming. If we get a cooling period it could delay entry into a major ice age for a long time. That could only be seen as beneficial, regardless of any short term discomfort.

  12. Well if you listen to the alarmists, the Earth is statistically warming and the proof goes like this.

    First use Jim Hansen's data because unlike meteorologists who just record the climate, Jim Hansen is on a mission to save the world from environmental Apocalypse.

    Second represent the temperate at any year by the average of the previous 10 years (Researchers used to use 5 years, but they don't do that now for obvious reasons).  

    Using these data and mathematical manipulations it is possible to construct a graph with a positive gradient which believers assert proves that the temperature is increasing.

    Science has nothing to do with it.

  13. in some places,yes.

    global warming/climate change stuff is scaremongering bullshit for profit by scamsters,.,or idiots !

  14. No.

    This bit of nonsense refuses to die.  1998 was an unusually warm year.  In statistical terms, an "outlier". But on average, temperature is still rising.  The data:

    Also faulty is his assertion that global warming is caused by the Sun increasing.  Scientists measure solar radiation, and they KNOW this isn't true:

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.1880

    News article at:

    EDIT - Took quite a few statistics courses.  My field of study was very data intensive.

  15. Of course, thats why the 3,000 year old ice shelf fell off of Canada recently. It was so ****-ing cold it just cracked right off.

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