
Is the Earth dying, Are we massiving contributing to Global warming or does it naturally occur anyway?

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How quickly will G W, effect our planet on a large scale. Will it be like that film the day after tomorrow




  1. No, climate change does not happen over night like it did in The Day After Tomorrow.

    I'm one of those who is on the fence about whether global warming (or perhaps global climate change is better) is man made or part of a natural cycle. I have no doubt that things are changing. Simple observation will tell you that. But I'm not sure I buy into the idea that man is the main culprit given that such a claim means we've basically changed the entire planet in roughly 150 years.

    I'm more inclined to believe the climate changes are part of a natural cycle - either with the planet or the solar system or both. HOWEVER, that skepticism does not mean I think we should abandon or scale back measures to reduce pollution and energy consumption or that we should abandon efforts to find alternatives to fossil fuels. It simply means that I'm not convinced that zero emissions/pollution would prevent or reverse climate change.

  2. whats meant to be will be

    we have gone too far now...we have ruined the planet and there is no going back....we cant make it right now its too late.

  3. possibly check this out

  4. i think its a natural thing but some weird stuff is occuring with green house gasses

  5. NO   NO   NO !! Global Warming is a Lie propagated by the Left and Gore. It is so bad that Gore stole the ice scene from another movie ,which was computer generated. Even the green house gas is not there . They have calculated what they want it to be. Find someone U trust and measure it. The CO2 is taken care of by the plants. Plants need CO2 as much as U do oxygen.

  6. If we are then we'll eventually be wiped off by a comet anyways, so the world will start again no matter what.

    Unless we become a multi-planet species, we will face extinction one way or another.

  7. Nah it wont darl. Its been happening since the birth of the earth 4.6 billion years ago.. i think.. hehe

    Global warming is a natural thing and if wasnt working on earth humans would not be able to sustain life because earth would have similar characteristics to mars.. cold and dead.. hehe

    Besides it takes millions of years for effects to occur on a large scale, however if we keep contributing too much greenhouse gases the rate of global warming will increase and it will be more difficult for us humans to  adapt. Just so you know too, global warming will not destroy or 'kill' the earth, there is the possible outcome that it will destroy the human population if the effects are great, but the planet will live on, rehabilitate and change.

  8. According to the environmental alarmists, the earth has always been dying and always will be dying.  Only the reasons change.



    You contradict yourself a lot.  

    You also say, I'm a scientist, CO2 has been increasing - this proves that CO2 causes significant warming.

    Well, I'm an engineer, I work in construction and if we constructed buildings the way you construct logical arguments, civilisation wouldn't stand a chance.

  9. The earth is not dying. As a race, we are not powerful enough to kill and destroy an entire planet. Wipe out thousands of species (including us) yes. But not the planet.

    Are we effecting climate change. Yes, of course we are. Hugely! Why? There are too many people, with too many high demands.

  10. Well i see it as making us feel guilty to make us buy products.

    Our contributions to global warming is very small. If you look at the popular green house gasses theory, out of all the gasses in the atmosphere co2 is only 0.054% of the earth's atmosphere an incredibly small portion and the portion that humans are adding(which is where all the focus of concern is) is only 5%. Co2 is a minor green house gass so it doesn't impact much. Theres the arguement of 0.00001 or other poisens/toxins that can kill you if it inters your body but those are extremely potent.

  11. It occurs naturally.  It has to do with solar cycles.  People are not causing it.  It has happened before when we didn't have cars or machines.  It also happened before people were here.  It will happen again after we are gone.

    There are 2 reasons for the Global Warming Scare.

    1>  to grab political power - make new laws, rules and tell people increasingly what they can't do and what they have to do.

    2> to make money.  Carbon Credits - Al Gore has set up a company and has already made millions on Carbon Credits.  He lives in a mansion that uses enough electricity to power 168 homes for six months.  He rides around in SUV's and LIMO's and rides in PRIVATE JETS.

    Others are also making money on Global Warming.

  12. Like a light bulb which is dying a natural death from the first moment it is switched on so the earth is very slowly, heading towards the inevitable self extinguishing process. This event will of course not occur until many billions of years from now despite man's best efforts to speed up the process.

  13. Yes the earth is dying but slowly so dont panic.

    Global warming occurs naturally but in this instance we are helping it along with our big cars, microwaves, food flown all over the world, holidays abroad, waste etc.

    It wouldn't take much for us to put things back to rights but tell me one person willing to give up everything I mentioned...oh that would be me, the only one on my road with three recycle bins, no microwave, a Honda Logo in the drive and eating in season foods grown in my own country.

  14. Its natural thing...but global worming is providing a catalist effect to it.

  15. I think its mostly us ruining the planet.

  16. Do you want the short answer or the long one (lol).  I am known on Y/A for my long answers.  Okay, here goes.  First of all, let me qualify by saying that I'm a scientist and a historian.  With that said, scientists digging up ice core samples have been able to go back 60,000 years.  The data shows the following.  There were three periods of cooling and warming in that 60,000 years.  That's one argument of those who say that warming is natural.  Another argument is that there was a 500 year period of cooling followed by a warming period that continues to this day.  The problem with scientists like myself is this:  The atmosphere showed during that 500 years of cooling that sulfur was present which reflected light back thereby causing a cooling period.  But you can also see the beginning of the industrial revolution to the present and see an inhuman increase of CO2, methane, and carbonic acid in the ocean that was not seen in 600,000 years.  That shows that we are significantly warming the planet by continuing to burn fossil fuels and that is but one of our contributing factors.  And one final point to make is that there is much more agreement among the scientific body than there is dissension among the very small but vocal group on Y/A.

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