
Is the FDA reliable and efficient?

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Is the FDA reliable and efficient?




  1. No more than any other Government agency.

    For years, the PDR had a warning not to use Valium in patients with seizures, while Neurologists were using it all the time to control seizures. Seems it changed the EEG ( it does) therefore some genius decided to add that warning. They have cleared several drugs that had to be recalled later because of fatal side effects. ( This is a result of the many complaints about the US not having all the meds the Europeans have- so they started to "fast track" some meds)

    They do the best they can, but certainly cannot be called totally reliable when it comes to approving medications.

  2. Generally speaking, no.

    Please recall that the commonly used barbiturate Phenobarbital never has been approved by the FDA.

    Perhaps this should offer you some incite into this matter.

  3. yes,I think so.because it offers the best foods and drugs to use.and also you can check the interactions of drugs and new events of foods and drugs(from all over the world!)

  4. One could argue that no US government organization is truly reliable or efficient. However, the FDA seems to serve their purpose well enough--most importantly, as far as we can tell, they don't typically cave in to commercial demands if a product isn't safe.

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