
Is the FMA manga finished yet?

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Okay, I'm a FullMetal Alchemist fan whose been relying heavily on the manga that's being shipped into the U.S. But I'm beginning to get impatient. It seems spoilers are everywhere- on forums and on fanfics and I just want to know if Arakawa has finished it, that way I can just go on or something and read it.




  1. Nope. Actually im not sure it's even close to being done yet... well maybe its 3/4 of the way through but chapter 86 just came out today.

  2. still ongoing...hopefully it doesnt drag on like some mangas (50 volumes? ridiculous...i dont got that much money XD)

    I wished they would make another season...or a movie *sighs* i'll just go rewatch the series again...just love of my faves ^^

    go Ed! WHOOT! WHOOT! lol


    It is STILL ONGOING, meaning the manga is still being produced in Japan. So far, there are 19 volumes (in Japanese). For English translation, there are 16 volumes so far.

    When the next English volume/chapter going to come out? We do not know that yet.

  4. i dont think its over yet

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