
Is the Final Fantasy series the best RPG's, or is it over hyped?

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Is the Final Fantasy series the best RPG's, or is it over hyped?




  1. "Best," in this case, is an entirely subjective term, but I enjoy the series. It depends on your taste, I suppose.

  2. i enjoy the series, yes, maby just alittle over hyped, but its like one of the all time bests!

  3. I don't really play rpgs anymore b/c they r so long, and I don't have enough time to beat them.  I used to be into them though, and my personal favorites were kingdom hearts, fable, morrowind, PSO, and jade empire.  With the exception of Morrowind, all of those RPGs are pretty short.  Turn-based RPGs do kick *** though.  Best is a matter of opinion though, but if you're looking for story, then FF is probably the best series.  

    But FFXI SUCKS!!!!!  I used to play it and it is retarded.

  4. FF & TOS are the best Fantasy RPG's, 1st the story line keep you busy and have good battle sequences. The graphic a the best i've seen in a long time with PS2 video games.

  5. yea they are the best

  6. i think that series is way too over hyped. i admit that the graphics are the best in the world, but the gameplay is just terrible. IMO the tales of series along with kingdom hearts series and zelda series

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