
Is the Forbidden URL notice a result of hackers?

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Is the Forbidden URL notice a result of hackers?




  1. No.

    You simply don't have the correct credentials to access it.

  2. me too. although it did let me in through yahoo canada. sometimes it s just server maintainence.

  3. ive had it alot today

  4. It means that the webserver returned a status code of 403 - Forbidden. The codes are listed here:

    What it probably means in this case is that some part of Yahoo stopped trusting another which could be something as simple as an expired password.

    Unless you have a secure connection (and typically you don't over the web) then it is rare to see this error - you are much more likely to see the more famous 404 - not found return code.

    A hacker could cause this but it would be pretty uncommon.


  5. I had it a min ago sumone sed it was because Yahoo take a "breather"

  6. I've started getting it this evening.

    I think something must be down.

  7. i have been getting that too when clicking on new mail from yahoo home page.

  8. I was advised it could be to do with a virus & to turn it off & start again.

    Could this be so???

  9. i dont know but i keep

    getting it on yahoo..

    and it really irritates me..=[

  10. Me too.  It is freaking me out.

  11. I have been getting that trying to sign in to this site

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