
Is the GOP choice for VP them just setting up their theft of the 2008 election?

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Remember all those values voters that "came out in droves" to support Bush?

Just flip 1 out of every 5 Obama e-vote for Obama over to McCain then release a news report about the Hillary supporters that "came out in droves" to vote for McCain!

Or is that too tin foil hattish for you?




  1. Oh no, we will steal the Election. After all, it's what we do.

    There now your tin foil must be glowing red hot

  2. You must be one of those bitter slow learners that still recall dimpled chads in Florida as costing Gore the election. Right!

    McCain in '08!

  3. They have to mobilize the base somehow.  That's why they would rather have people believe that Obama is actually ahead in the polls.  Hearing that will mobilize republicans.   Give the enemy a false sense of security, then go for the kill.


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