
Is the GW debate mute?

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GW believers quote each other, rely on temp anomaly studies and computer models. They ditz NASA and NOAA data. Rely on blogs and a mutual agreement among themselves (consciences). That they are right and everyone else is an idiot for not believing. Are convinced the subject is closed to discussion. Everything there is to know is already known.

Deniers are looking for the scientific evidence. Always look for new information.




  1. There isn't any "debate." The existance of man-made global warming is a proven fact.  And yes--the discussion is closed--jsut as any scientific debate is closed once enough evidence is in to prove a hypothesis. No educated person is going to waste their time "debating" ignorant crackpots who want to dispute proven facts.

  2. The correct term now is "Global Climate Change" because warming doesn't readily explain the cooling trend in some regions.

  3. The global warming debate is not closed because one part of the world is getting cooled down so it will be continue.

  4. We are always learning and growing.  There is no absolute solution to the GW problem.  Yet, I am fascinated that most Americans seem unmoved by the need to conserve, recycle and find a lifestyle which is more harmonious with our health and future well being.  They don't seem to mind having a loaded gun in their mouth at all.  How can I communicate with people who show so little care?

  5. Every thousand years the weather changes.  If you look at historical data you can easily see the trends.  I do believe that we aren't helping the planet by using so much fossil fuel, but I don't believe it is causing the weather change.  The Global Warming/Climate Change groups want to scare the rest of us into using alternative power sources.  This is probably due to the fact that they either own the patents or have invested heavily in those sources.  

    Don't believe everything you hear.  Believe scientific evidence.  Look up the weather stats.

  6. so you are saying the world is not warming???? NASA data would disagree with you on that.

    also can you at least pretend to be objective if you want answers and not rants. both sides claim the morel high ground but can you show me one study that has been published in a prestigious journal that disproves AGW.

  7. Sometimes I wish it were more muted than it is, or at very least, less shrill.  

    I suspect you mean "moot," rather than "mute."  The former is "without practical effect" as an argument of a hypothetical in an law class would be, while the latter means "silent."

    But no, I don't think the discussion is without practical effect.  In fact, I think it should be quite dynamic in finding policies that maximize the health of the environment.

  8. Yeah it's sad.  The climate is changing(like it has been doing since the Earth was formed) and now that we're here, it's our fault.  Here's a link to the reason why the climate is currently warming naturally and not because of carbon dioxide...

  9. the "Deniers" questions are reported on here by the AGW gang, particularly if it's a good question that they can't argue.
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