
Is the Gov. wasting money on 'thick' people?

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Slightly controversial granted, but I was just wandering about other people's opinions.

Government grant's can be anywhere up to £3,000 a year (free, no repayment at all) for students whose household income isn't substantial (up to around £35,000). N.B. This is not against poorer people, BUT lesser income households would not have sent their children to the best schools and so some people will get A level grades of CCC-EEE.

People with these grades could go to Uni for a year, have a bit of a laugh, fail there degree and thus contribute little to the British economy and then that's £3,000 tax-payer's money wasted...




  1. Schools don't make people intelligent. They just educate them.

  2. you sure could, you bet ye.

  3. What's your solution? Anyone can be a critic. What do you propose be done?  I am dyslexic and finished my MBA. I'm in the U.S. I have to work hard in school. I can't afford to slack. I don't have the luxury of that. I had a friend who didn't need to study and she was in the honors program. How do you judge who works hard and who doesn't? I have a brother with ADHD. He struggles with school and if you didn't know him then you might think he's just lazy but he's not. I think you need to judge less and get to know people more.

  4. well the Govt  whichever party is in power certainly  know how to waste money , but they certainly dont waste much on me [ a pensioner ]  myself and other pensioners  on very low incomes  are in for  Bleak Expectations if its a cold winter , i might need some suicide pills

  5. You want to see how much the government is wasting on thick people?

    Try looking at the expenses bill for low-grade civil servants who blow thousands upon thousands of pounds on travelling to pointless conferences first class.

    Two of my friends are such civil servants; they are certainly 'thick'.

  6. Yes. It's also wasting money on blacks and muslims.

  7. I'm not rich and I'm by no means thick. I went to a normal mainstream school, left with 10 O levels then went to college and got a load more. the only reason I didn't do uni is because I didn't want to. You really can't say that. My daughter is dyslexic with learning difficulties but she can draw brilliantly. would you say she is thick and shouldn't go to uni because of that? what if she was the next DaVinci, that would be lost if people like you had their way. Also there are lots of very clever kids in mainstream school that go on to be very successful so then pay their taxes to let another underprivileged person in to uni. obviously you have never had to struggle

  8. When i was at school the 'poor' kids got between £10 and £30 a week depending on what they qualified for. I got £30 a week and i really didnt need it. The money was meant for school dinners, books etc but i can tell you right now that all we spent the money on was gettin drunk at the weekend. The governemnt is stupid.

    By the way i'm not saying i'm thick by any means, i'm just saying that this moneys being handed out far to easily.

  9. Uncle Henry learns everything from his Uncle Sam does at the States. We have tons of people who live on public assistance; we have extremely high highschool dropout rate not to mention 30% of Uncle Sam's army soldiers are high school dropouts!

  10. That's a very Conservative outlook, you do make sense...but many people drop out of uni regardless of their society class

  11. Your question sounds somewhat biased, and I agree with the naked chef's answer. People from both "sides" are responsible for dropping out, and therefore causing these types of effects to occur. Is there any reason you are particularly focusing on "thick" people? Have you seen any studies or statistics that show the responsibility lying more so on the so called "thick"? The fact is, there is already a HUGE unequal distribution of wealth, and whether the wealthy know it or not, they are taking advantage of a HUGE inequality. So if even more advantage was thrown to the "thick", it's not really evening out the score at all.

  12. You appear to be equating 'poor' and 'thick'.

    Some of the dumbest individuals I have ever met were from far from poor backgrounds. Conversely some of the most intelligent and creative (whether educated or not) were from extremely poor backgrounds.

    People from any background can, and do, fail in university. Those same people could have gone to work in low paid jobs and qualified for tax credits, rent and council tax subsidies - or even not worked at all, claiming unemployment benefits on top of council tax and rent - and had no opportunity at all to gain further education.

    BTW: posting a question about intelligence/education is not a great idea if your spelling is, at best, questionable. You were wOndering, not wandering!

  13. not all people on a low income are lazy you know. Jeez mate you live in the stone ages

  14. i think there is something in what you say

    because my children come from a household that is over the threshold they will have to pay fees and not get any kind of grant

    so as parents we will continue to support our children financially

    if neither of us worked our kids would have a free education to look forward to

    so we work hard, pay tax etc etc and have to pay out

    others who may never have worked have their child educated at the expense of the tax payers .... people like me

    this desperate desire to get more kids to go to university is ridiculous

    they used to be places of higher education but the ridiculous degrees on offer have just devalued degrees

    and the lowering of entrance requirements does the same thing

    nowadays even pupils who could never have been considered academic expect to go to university

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