
Is the Government Lying to us about the Iraq Death Toll?

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More soliders kill themselves after developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder because of the war, than actually die from combat with the enemy.


Do you think the government is purposely keeping the numbers low? (In the above article they mention that Veterans Affairs was hiding suicide statistics, among other things)




  1. Bush, his cronies, congress persons, and judges, have diligently created mendacity into an art form. However,most the American people have stood silently or with patriotic zeal, shocked and awed by our in humanitarian greed and moral malnutrition, to exert USA's will for oil and water. The end justifies the means: A. Hitler, J. Stalin, M. Zetung, J. McCarthy, L.B. Johnson, R. Nixon, F. Castro, M. Noriega, R. Mugabe, and G.W. Bush. Those of you that still doubt, check out: Sugar Grove, W.V. There  are more sites like these throughout our Constitutional government. There are other sites in several other countries. Is not the risk not checking out?

  2. Surely you can't mean that! That the puppet of the politcal arm of big business could lie to you punters is unbelievable....

    Oh no, say not so!


  4. Well seeing how they were lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, I think most soldiers are seeing the TRUTH firsthand, it must be horrible for them knowing they are fighting a different battle with a different agenda, when all they wanted to do is go after the terrorist that unleashed 9/11, and now they are facing the same retoric with Iran and whats beyond Iran ? the world ??

    My heart and prayers are with our soldiers and their families, we are living in a world being run and controlled by central banks, and if history reveals the truth about these worldbankers, is that they fund both sides of war, and I dont doubt their role in terrorism in the world.

    so, they are lying about alot of things.

  5. they probably are lying to us

    america is based on lies.

  6. dude the government lies about alot of ****, i have no doubt they are lying about this too.

  7. yes

  8. To put it plainly: Yes, of course.

    Its one of the saddest things we have to deal with

  9. I was watching the news the other day and they were talking about the US running out of troops!

    I think this whole war is absolutely ridiculous.

  10. As a general rule, governments always inflate the amount of enemy combatants killed or captured, and deflate the amount of its own soldiers to meet the same fate. That's a matter of controlling public morale — it's silly to deny that the government tinkers with the numbers reported, the real question is to what degree does it change the values – that, we probably wont ever know.


  12. Of course the govt is fudging the number of deaths: only the deaths *on the battlefield* ("kia") are counted, which means that if the soldier died while being evacuated to a hospital or anywhere else, he is not counted in the official numbers. Sometimes one hears of a soldier who died several months after being injured and this is not counted either. A huge number of soldiers have cancer due to depleted uranium. If they die of cancer they are not counted. Accidental deaths aren't counted either in the daily tally. And on it goes. Of course, suicides aren't counted. The government doesn't want to create an uproar on the home front that a large number of deaths would, but if you add up everything, the total  could be ten times higher than the official numbers provided by the pentagon.


  14. Yes they are they dont want the U.S citizens to freak out. and start protesting cuz half the U.S right now wants to pull out of the war. and the government wants there oil!! so they need to play it safe

  15. The Government LIE TO IT'S PEOPLE? Nahh

    NEVER....just drink the Kool-aid...

  16. -.-

  17. Does the government ever lie?

  18. More Than Likely...!!

  19. The death toll in Iraq are combat deaths therefore suicides cannot be counted among them. the suicide rate among military members has been only slightly higher than the general population since more military members will get medical help than the general population (signs of depression will get someone ordered to get an exam). believe me the government doesn't want to lose more men than they are due to difficulties in replacing a combat vet from pools of raw recruits.

  20. Sure it is. Government always lies. Just like the anti gun liberals claiming how many killings there are with guns. Then including the 51 percent which are suicides. Both sides lie. Lying to the people is government's main function.

  21. In all fairness to the US there has never been a war fought in history of mankind that the opposing sides did not lie about the death toll- BOTH SIDES- ALWAYS That's just a fact of life. It will never change!

  22. more like the president is lying to the government who is lying to the people

    but i do agree that some soldier do kill themselves when they come back or act different

  23. Of course they are.  Post Traumatic Stress suicide figures are very high (check the New York Times) but what really blew me over was the enormously high number of non combat related deaths in Iraq among the troops -- you know, drunk driving. fights, 12 guys were electrocuted in showers because they were built defectively by US contractors......what a tragedy!

  24. I have PTSD.....PTSD or something like it has been around since the revolutionary war..... it is not new.... the name changes periodically.... in addition PTSD is not limited to the military..... any one subjected to the right conditions can develop this problem.....the good news is it can be treated.....if not cure at least controlled....

    Thanks to the entertainment (???) media PTSD has gotten a bad stereotype..... the general public sees it as a "ticking time bomb".....a veteran will suddenly go nuts and start killing people......   I know at least 12 veterans with PTSD.....they have not killed anybody......they have not tried to commit suicide...... they are good productive members of the community.... because someone commits suicide does not mean it was caused by PTSD or the person even had PTSD....

    Also remember ......"motivation'.....the news media loves a good story..... the PTSD killer is a great story......not to mention some doctors need grant money for research.... creating a problem where there is no problem......feeding off the publics fears..... will get you funded

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