
Is the Guardian a posh paper?

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Is the Guardian a posh paper?




  1. No it is a left wing rag.

    But do read it - particularly it's editorials and you will instantly know what they want you to believe and then read the other papers and see what the intelligent papers think and report.  The Guardian sadly is almost always at odds with other reporting media!!!

  2. left wing biased rubbish, used to be known as the Gruniad for its constant spelling mistakes.

  3. It tilts so far to the Left that it makes the Leaning Tower of Pisa jealous.

  4. no its a dreadful rag for the knit-your-own-compost liberal wet brigade...

    *waits for thumbs down from aforesaid liberal wet brigade*

  5. buy one and make the judgment for yourself

  6. Nah its for middle class liberals, not posh at all.

  7. No,it is for anyone who likes to read proper "news".

  8. No. The Telegraph/Times are.

    Telegraph/Times is widely read by conservatives - especially the well-to-do affluent types who own land and live out in the country - or work in the city as traders.

    Daily Mail readers may call it "a dreadful rag for the knit-your-own-compost liberal wet brigade."  But I would describe Daily Mail readers as gullible fascists who love to hear about bad news - especially if they prop up their fascism, racism and their damnright ignorance.

    Watch this:

  9. Posh?  Crikey no.  It is read by criminal cuddling, sandal wearing, cardigan sporting, looney lefty ageing hippies.  These are the same people who always form our governments.  That's why the country is over run by scum!!!  But there are no politicians who don't read the Guardian, and there are no politicians in government (whatever their political colour) who can break free of the namby-pambyism spewed by the Guardian.  If I were the Queen, I would have the Guardian burned publically in every street in England.

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