
Is the Health Insurance system broken?

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Purchasing health insurance if self-employed seems cost-prohibitive when it comes to deductibles, monthly cost, and coverage in general. Seems like it is only good for catastrophic situations, otherwise too expensive.

Any thoughts?




  1. hello,

    if you want read something about health insurance

    i just come accross this blog which may help you



  2. no its not true..rather it has become a necessary dese days.2day v have more complecated diseases dan ever b4.more common is d lifestyle diseases like high bp,cholesterol,heart problems n all.treatment 4 all dese is too its better if u hv an insurance cover 4 dese.many insurance cmpanies r offering cashless service whereby u dont need 2 pay cash at d counter of d hospital where u r treated,rather it wl b paid frm d plastic card provided by ur insurer..............2day v hv STAR health & allied insurance comp. dat is a stand alone health insurer.latest entrant into dis field is Apollo DKV.....many other players r also in d pipeline....... waiting 4 approval frm u know more n more players in a particular field is always beneficial 4 d consumer as dey hav lot of options 2 choose u can enquire n get d best product 4 u.........lot of informations r on net....u jst need 2 keep urself updated..

    GOD bless...

  3. The cost of insurance is simply a direct reflection of US hospitalization and drug costs. The average cost of a hospitalization here is $10,000 per day, just about anywhere in the country. That is just for a regular care hospital room, with surgury and other care extra.

    So, any reform which addresses "insurance" must in fact address healthcare costs.

    For the most part, any "insurance" plan that pays for office visits, generic perscriptions and other minor charges are a total waste of money. This is like buying auto insurance to pay for oil changes.

    Stick with catestrophic insurance for now. Eventually, only the government will be able to dictate hospital and drug prices, which will force heavy rationing on the system.

  4. Start controlling medical inflation and insurance costs would go down.

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