
Is the Hepatitis B vaccine once per lifetime or do you need the shot every several years?

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Is the Hepatitis B vaccine once per lifetime or do you need the shot every several years?




  1. It is supposed to be for a lifetime but some studies show that you may need to reinnoculate at another time in your should always make sure you dont share toothbrushes or razors with anyone, and only have s*x with people that don't have Hep B...and if you do get a partner known to be Hep B positive, then you should get a blood test to make sure you still show antibodies to Hep B to show you are immune and protected. Keep yourself safe.

    EDIT: Top STD doctors in the country on say thati tt is not known if you need a booster, probably not, but still unknown, so please don't listen to everyone on here and speak to your own doctor about it.

  2. the vaccine is lifelong.  You do not need a booster.  I was a part of both hepatitis B consensus conferences at the NIH.  You can read length documents to such at and search for consensus statements.

  3. It takes only 3 shots to protect yourself and your loved ones against hepatitis B for a lifetime.

    First Injection - At any given time

    Second Injection - At least one month after the first dose

    Third Injection - Six months after the first dose

  4. i only got 2 shots for hepatitas, maybe going to recieve a third one, but for sure u don't need a shot every single year or so

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