
Is the Human life in the western world to be a slave to their economy?

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We are schooled a wide range of irrelevant c**p in order for people to invent new jobs otherwise you will eventually work an already existing one.

Employed aimed to be for careers till pension age

Media used as a tool to make us adore products which benifot the economy

Taxed on almost everything


Pension age you live off your own money you saved


The funny thing is we are born poor and buried poor

Is the Human life in the western world to be a slave to their economy

Who owns these economies

What is the point of them

How are our governments even getting anything out of something they wont be involved in, 100 years from now

Who and what is making us continue this forever cycle

is it the price of civilization is the economy if so civilization is




  1. Good man, well said. We are all slaves to this pointles regime yet so few benefit from these labours. Decades ago we were promised a three day week and free electricity,equality and one world, people just had to work harder so they did and continue to do so. They just had to agree to neuclear power and they did.

    The power stations produce warheads and little power and our week seems extended by three days. We pay for it. Then we die. Fear is a curiouse thing, it makes us protect the enemy as is often seen with kidnap victims.  Freedom is the plaything of the hyper-rich.

  2. Be thank full that you have a pc and a comfortable bed to sleep in and you live in a country that doesnt have many natural dissasters.Some people are never pleased,what i do agree with is that people in the western world who live in rich countrys still moan about things without thinking about how good we have it here.

  3. "It's the economy stupid" who said that? Thatcher said something similar, and she is remember with as much affection as Hitler. So Yeah and it needs to change. Vive la Revolution!!!

  4. This is strictly my opinion.  I make no claim to be representing any universal truth

    Life is given meaning by people. It has no inherent meaning. I am sure there are many people for whom economic servitude is (whether aware of it or not) is their main purpose.  I am not aware of anybody for whom this is everything and an end in itself.  In their defense, I can only say that economy - which covers everything from meaningful acts (like feeding ones self) to meaningless acts (like buying a sports car)  is bloody important and fundamental.  Only those who have never felt its negative effects (i.e. 'been poor') could question its importance.

    Many people in western society choose lifestyles which do not allow them to become rich because (a) they don't want to work that hard and/or (b) the work which offers th greatest rewards is the least appealing.  I fall under category b.  I have honestly always enjoyed what I do in and outside of my work environment. And, for the labor market I am involved in, I am paid pretty well. Does that make me a slave to the economy.  Nope.  It makes me a slave to my own interests.  Hopefully, along the way, I benefit others as well.    

    and yes... it is a cycle.  But a hundred years from now you won't even be able to recognize it.    

  5. Socialism, Communism, Capitalism....all focused on the material and fail to satiate the spirit aspect of man.  These social philosophies create an environment where the very spirit of man is denied to exist.

    Mankind took a wrong turn when we ceased to live in tribal societies.

    Can we every take what is good from the modern world and live in manner that fulfills the spirit life of man?   Probably not.

    Work, school, birth, death......great song.

  6. You've got a point. There are many people who long for a simpler existence away from the daily, ultimately pointless drudge. The way it used to be.

    At the end of the day, most of the stuff you do is ultimately pointless. Who cares if you made a few more sales at work? who cares if you invented the discombobulator?

    When you're dead it wont matter anyway.

    In my eyes, the meaning of life is to enjoy it as much as you can. Because there is NOTHING afterwards.

    So you better do something with your life that you enjoy. Because you WONT be able to regret it once you die!

  7. Smartest thing ive heard someone say all day.  

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